
Hello again!

Another week has gone by, meaning we are now one third of the way through ICLP classes; everything is going by extremely fast. This past week, classes proceeded as normally, and that’s about all there is in that regard. I feel like I’m learning a lot of new characters and grammar structures, and I’ve been able to read and understand more Chinese while out in Taipei, so that’s definitely a win.

Otherwise, this weekend was pretty fun! I met up with my NTU language partner at a small restaurant, and then we went to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, and then I want to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall after that (pictures below)! It was very cool, and I enjoyed getting to speak to a local student and practicing my Chinese as well. Today (Sunday), Alison and I went to the National Palace Museum,  where there were a ton of cool antiques and exhibitions to check out. The entire exhibit dedicated to jade was probably my favorite. I’m now incredibly tired, but still have a lot of work for tomorrow; such is the life at ICLP. See you all next week!

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (ft. 台北101)

On the steps of the palace (museum)

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