
Hello again!

It’s now July, which means two things: 1) I’ve been in Taiwan for a month now 2) time is going by far too quickly.

There hasn’t been any major new development this past week, though quite a bit has happened nonetheless. Classes continued, which meant quite a lot of my time was spent in my apartment doing work; my current coursework includes two fairly standard textbook courses, as well as a class for learning Chinese through idioms. It’s quite interesting. So far, being back in classes has been nice, and I’m slowly gaining more confidence in speaking Chinese while out and about in Taipei.

This weekend, we went back to Raohe Night Market (饒河街觀光夜市), and afterwards went to Dadaocheng (大稻埕, also called Twatutia, a romanization from Taiwanese Hokkien) and walked by the river. It was very nice, and I’m hoping to be able to return some nights. Like everything in Taiwan so far, the area is incredibly serene, scenic, and convenient. We also (at Alison’s recommendation) went yesterday to a teahouse right by Taipei Paradise (the building a large number of ICLP students live in), which was incredibly fun, and I really enjoyed it.

That’s about it for now! For some reason, the blog isn’t letting me upload pictures at the moment (it keeps giving me an error), so I will try again next time. Sorry about that!

Trudy says hi while we are at Raohe

View of river at Dadaocheng

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