Category Archives: Quarantine

Last Night in Mission

Mission is eery at night with only ~10 students around. I have an entire entry to myself, and as I walk through the hallways, the taped up boxes in everyone’s room only serve to enforce this feeling of isolation. Today was a packing day. Packing for where? Well, I only found out a couple of hours ago, but I’ll be relocating to Sage! I think I’m making history as one of the few students to live in both Mission and Frosh Quad as a freshmen (due to campus policy and not personal reasons, since some people request to move). Abu and Chloe, the two I had lunch/dinner with yesterday, are going to be right next to me — or as close as they can be so that’s pretty neat-o. We each have our own croom and bathroom (and a couple of deserted rooms to go along with them) so that’s why they’re not immediate neighbors. I think we’re still allowed to hang out in each other’s crooms though, so we’re thinking of taking some donated lamps and stuff to make it as cozy as a temporary quarantined croom can be.

I feel like everyone’s been itching to move to their new locations, so I’m excited for tomorrow. Gonna meet my new entry (Sage EF, or Sage Epidemic Fighters) and make new friends!! But for now, I say goodnight and goodbye to Mission. Thanks for all the warm memories and warm chocolate chip cookies <3

Day 1 With Those Who Remain

I’m in a GroupMe with those still staying on campus, ominously titled “Those Who Remain”. With the constant serious emails and desolate buildings, it seems fitting for this apocalyptic campus. So, you might be tempted to think that people are complaining and lamenting in the chat. But no, it’s exactly the opposite! Today students were sharing administrative changes that hadn’t been published yet, figuring out what to do with all the supply donations at Hardy House (which consists of necessities like shampoo and ramen), and just all around being supportive of each other <3

I guess the general vibe is a “we’re in this together” mentality. And even though everything sucks, we’re just trying to make the most of it. I had brunch and dinner outside because it wasn’t too cold (and also because we can’t eat in the dining halls anymore 😔) and it was pretty nice! With our disposable plastic knives we tried to cut into some surprisingly-not-bad pork chops, and we talked about the uncertainties that lay ahead and where to scavenge next for donations that students left behind.

We settled on Frosh Quad which we will promptly raid tomorrow. I’m surprised by myself, but I’m actually looking forward to what comes next!