“Exercise Wards Off COVID-19” – Mom

Today was the earliest I’ve woken up in the past week — 9:40 am. That gave me ten minutes to lounge around, five minutes to get ready for my morning run, and five minutes to knock on Abu’s door only to find him too groggy to join me. Maybe next time? Undeterred, I jogged out of frosh quad and down that straight road past Mission leading into Vermont. 30 minutes in, I realized that Vermont was actually a bit further out than I initially thought (but still manageable) and turned back to call it a day.

It was my first run in a couple weeks so I’m probably gonna be a bit sore tomorrow, but it felt amazing to run again. The scenery is beautiful and I’m kicking myself for not fully taking advantage of it earlier in the year. Now that I think about it, it was probably because there was a truckload of school work and it was also cold as brick? Anyways, I’m glad I can enjoy the outdoors now. Scott “The WOC Father” Lewis mentioned that once spring break officially ends he’ll take us on hiking trips, so I’m excited for that too!

P.S. Later on in the day, Dom texted me asking if I wanted to toss. Of course I wanted to, so toss we did on Paresky Lawn for over an hour(!) I think frisbee is one of the few sports where you can practice social distancing without sacrificing anything, because we were 30 meters apart the whole time. Looking forward to our next safe sesh.

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