Live from Quarantine

I haven’t posted in so long that when I typed into the searchbar, Ruth’s blog popped up before mine. I almost cried reading her entries. Last Monday—when we were all out on Resky Lawn tossing and laughing—seems so far away, in a distant time. It’s been a whirlwind of a week and I don’t think Weiwei leaving for six months has fully sunken in yet. Yes, I’ve cried everyday for the past three days, but I think it’ll hurt on a deeper level in a week or so when my brain finally accepts that this is the new reality. But not all is bad! I had (shitty) breakfast with Maysa and Desel, bonded with Tommy as he packed his things up, saw off Enoch, etc. I even had a multi-sentence conversation with 6’8″ Nate about packing tape so that was cool. I have to go now because I need to clean up my room, but I promise I’ll update more frequently now that I have time!

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