Boba Night Blues

Waited half an hour for the Okinawa Brown Sugar Boba only to be turned away at the cashier. No problem, there’s the open CASO tab! Whoops, looks like that just ran out two persons ago too. I’m just trying to feed my family, Goodrich. But besides the gross negligence from the place this blog calls home, life’s been pretty good. I’ve been hovering around a stable 4 on the Weiwei Scale (1 is just-awakened; 10 is drunk) this week which is surprising since Co–Star’s been telling me that I’d have “Pressure in work“. Let’s hope the seismometer stays steady.

[Update] Everyone has left and I am quietly reading Confessions by Augustine and listening to Duke Ellington & John Coltrane and in this moment, everything seems to be at peace. In a sentimental mood I guess.

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