Pine Cobble Mountain (MA)

First Zoom meeting went well.

Pro tip if you don’t want to download it due to security concerns:

  1. when someone send you a zoom invite, cancel it and click “having problems” link.
  2. cancel it again.
  3. option to join by browser shows up, use that

Anyways, after the call ended, I glanced outside. It was absolutely beautiful! 15 Celsius with clear skies. Partly inspired by nature, partly procrastination, I spontaneously decided to hike up Pine Cobble. I’ve always wanted to, but never woke up in time for the sunrise hikes.

I packed two water bottles and a granola bar. After telling Abu that if he doesn’t hear back from me in 2 hours assume I’ve been eaten by a bear, I left for the mountains, frisbee in hand. (To toss to myself) It was a little further to the base than I expected (30 minutes from Frosh Quad), but once on the trail, it was all trees and rustling leaves. I did run into one or two people, which surprised me, but we passed each other keeping distance and went on our merry ways. After another half hour or so, I began to see a clearing. At last! Climbing up a boulder, I could see all of Wiliamstown from above. Turn around, and I saw Bennington(?). I tried taking photos but it didn’t do justice so I just stood for a while, taking it all in. Wish you could see it <3

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