Zoom zoom zoom zoom

Zoom 1: Starting a CS project with a couple of others this summer! To get everyone on the same page and figure out where we want to go, we had our first get-together via everyone’s favorite video conferencing application. CS projects lend themselves to be remotely-workable by nature, but I think even a semblance of physical connection via video helps tremendously to build chemistry and understand each other.

Zoom 2: Wufo get together + kraftees (alumni)! It was a bit surreal watching the captains hand down their titles to the juniors, almost like it made the season being cut short official. Banter was amok like always, and it was exciting seeing people for the first time in a month with good-intentioned but poorly-executed facial hair. I miss my family 💜

Zoom 3: C-Bling (Take 2)! Forgot if I mentioned, but I joined this CS mentorship program where upperclassmen are paired with underclassmen to help navigate them through their CS journey. One of the young’uns (not me I swear) overslept the first call where we got to know each other so we tried again today! Luckily they made it this time and I gained some extra tips and tricks too so that was nice.

Zoom 4: Entry snacks! Lots of talk of TV shows and Covid=bad, but it was fun nonetheless. People seem to be coping on average, or at least put on a facade to. That’s what I’m doing at least.

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