You Should Come to Williams

Since Previews is cancelled, students had the chance to virtually host a prefrosh by talking to them online. My two dudes were both from Japan, near where I live. I emailed them both a couple of days ago introducing myself and talking about common interests, and just last night one of them replied. 🥰 He had six questions in mind, and it was a nice reflective moment for me trying to come up with answers. I’ve copied the Q & A below if some prospective students are curious and stumble upon it.

Q1: How is Williams dealing with Covid-19? (classes, for instance)

😷 In comparison to other top schools, I think (and others agree) that Williams has done an excellent job responding to the pandemic. After classes moved online, people who had to fly back home (like international students) and were on financial aid had their flights booked and paid for. If you couldn’t go home because of travel ban, family concerns etc., you could petition to stay on campus. A lot of people were rejected initially because they didn’t want to overload the medical system here (Williamstown is rural and has a large elderly population). I was one of them, but after talking one-on-one with the dean, she approved my re-appeal. Other people were also accepted their second time like this, and I think it shows how the college really listens to you. Classes have been a smooth transition, because professors got three weeks to restructure their teaching and accommodate everyone. For example, my CS professor hosts a live meeting during the day but also records it for people in different timezones. She also set up office hours for people specifically in these time zones (in the morning or at night), so you can ask questions in real time!

Q2: What are some things you LOVE at Williams?

🥰 I LOVE my friends here! International orientation introduces you to other internationals who you can always fall back on because they understand you.  The orientation leaders (sophomores+juniors) are also your friends. On top of that, the entry system really helps people to get to know others you normally wouldn’t interact with. That said, there are tons of clubs to join to branch out, and you end up bonding with people in your class too! I think you’ll have a similar experience at [other top school] too, but just know no matter where you go, friends will be the best part about college.

Q3: Do you feel Williams is friendly towards international students?

🌏 As an institution: yes. Like I said, during the pandemic they were mindful of everyone’s unique situation and helped out. There are also resources catered towards just international students (workshops on CPT/OPT etc) and Dean Ninah is awesome. As a student body: I think for the most part, people will be interested in your background and are welcome. That said, some groups (e.g. predominantly white sports teams like football) might not be as inviting but that might not be unique to Williams sorry!

Q4: Have you taken any tutorials? I am really interested in them.

✍️ I’m actually taking a tutorial right now! Writing isn’t my strongest skill, so it’s been challenging but very rewarding. At first, I would doubt myself while doing the readings + writing a 5 page paper every other week. But then, we’d have our weekly meetings and it made me confident that I made the right choice. The level of engagement is incredibly high, and I feel like I’m really learning with an expert in the field. I 100% recommend you take one here, even though it’s a lot of work!

Q5: What are some aspects of Williams that you learned after arriving?

💯 This might be true at [other top school] too, but it shocked me how much support there was. Everyone wants you to succeed! I thought you had to struggle through class to survive, but every professor I’ve had is so caring. If you miss a class because you were sick, they’ll go over it together with you. If you did poorly on an assignment, they’ll help you identify your mistakes. They’ll even take you out to dinner for free (paid by college) if you want to! Williams is on your side, which I appreciate greatly.

Q6: Is there anything else I should know?

🥶 I’m sure you know this already, but Williams gets very cold in the winter (October -> March). I think that’s going to be the biggest difference with [other top school], since [top school area] is hot and humid. If you strongly prefer one weather over another, maybe consider that when making your decision. But, when it’s warm, Williams is gorgeous with the mountains. Also, on a clear night, you can see the Milky Way!!! Unheard of in Tokyo. Just know that it’s going to be freezing for half the time here, but it’s worth it for the other half.


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