Virtual Coffee Hours

Another beautiful sunny day, another day spent holed up inside to study. That’s the Williams way I guess.

On the bright side, we had virtual Coffee Hours with ISA (International Students Association)! Only like 10 people showed up — and half of them were just internationals on campus — but it was fun nonetheless. Chaotic energies all around because of time zones; someone was chopping cucumbers for breakfast? Dinner?  and someone else had just rolled out of bed. Luckily, everyone’s safe and doing well, though there was the obvious gloomy atmosphere that is the uncertainty of what fall semester will look like. And on top of that, as internationals, there’s the added stress of not knowing if you can travel back to the US for fall / travel back to your home country for summer if you’re on campus! But besides that, a lot of people seemed to be interested in what life on campus is like right now (hint: not much is happening), perhaps reminiscing on the Good Times™️ I’m definitely fortunate to be able to appreciate this beautiful campus right now, but I’m also slightly jealous of people who are back home with their families. You know what they say, the hay is tastier on the other side.

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