Ramadan under Quarantine (Part 2)

Ramadan with exams and essays is tough — when you factor in the added stressors of quarantine and COVID-19, even more so. It’s imperative that students observing it get enough food when they break their fast to tide them over for the entire day. So it shocked me to find out that my Muslim friend received this email a couple of day ago:

I wanted to let you know that your Ramadan meals are automatically deducted for both brunch and dinner, so there is no need for you to swipe your card at Driscoll. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Gayle

He was swiping in to get more food to save for later, because the amount that they delivered to him wasn’t enough. Which I think is perfectly reasonable! He has to eat an entire days worth of food, and they only give in half. Sure, they also drop off perishables, but who really needs 4 packs of plain tortilla? Despite the slightly passive aggressive email, he has continued to swipe in for extra food and so far there hasn’t been any issues. Let’s hope it stays that way.

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