Purple Skies and Thick Thighs

17 C today!!! This is what spring in Willytown SHOULD be like.

I decided to go on a hike with two of my friends to celebrate. It was already close to sunset, so we couldn’t climb up anything big so we settled for the classic Stone Hill. Stepping across the stone floor of the man-made lake in the Clark (now drained and dried), we made it to the base. When we looked up, we weren’t the only ones there! Five beautiful brown-eyed cows were munching on their dinner above us. Reasonably sure that we wouldn’t catch corona through them, we slowly approached them from the front, grass in hand. The one closest to me sniffed my palm, only to reject my hand-plucked grass. 🥺. I don’t think she despised my presence though, because she grudgingly allowed me to snap a selfie with her. My friend’s cow, on the other hand, responded to his approach with a gushing stream of cow pee. After seeing all the “jellyfish are returning to the Venice Canal! You won’t believe what they do next” Facebook posts, you might be tempted to think the appearance of cows is due to the same reason, a decline in human activity. But no, these homies have been chilling atop Stone Hill for centuries, and we were just lucky to run into them during their snack time. As the sun set, my mind wandered once again to the beauty this Purple Valley provides, and all the good memories associated with it. The cows moo-ed in bliss, unaware of all that has gone wrong in this world.

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