Sun in April

Even though I’m in Spontaneous Outings, the groupme for — you guessed it — spontaneous outings, I’ve never taken part in any of their adventures. I always wanted to, but was too busy with something else. But today, I realized what the allure was. Something about procrastinating by saying “frick it, I’m gonna climb up Pine Cobble instead of finishing my math homework” is so innately satisfying. So that’s just what I did. The sky was clear, giving me the go-ahead sign so I couldn’t refuse! With this sporadic weather, I’d be silly not to take advantage of the glimpses of sunshine.

On the way up, I met two dogs (and their owner) and I waved at them from 6+ feet away. They didn’t seem to get the concept of social distancing, so were understandably disappointed that I didn’t go up to them to give them a pat. Just know I still love you, doggos.

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