P/F != Less Work

I had the misconception that classes switching to pass/fail would mean less work overall. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case. In a way, not that there’s not strict time schedule, it seems like there’s even more work because it’s diffused into everyday life. It doesn’t help that I study right near where I sleep and eat, and basically spend 90% of the time. Checking your phone for a quick message turns into a 30 min scroll through Instagram, eating while listening to lecture only to realize you haven’t actually taken in a single word, the list goes on and on. This week, I effectively chunked out my time in units of days and not hours (two days ago I was outside the entire time hiking + tossing, and today I’ve been working all day). I justified that as taking advantage of the insanely varied weather Willytown has been getting recently, but maybe it was just procrastination? Either way, I don’t think it’s a sustainable way to remotely learn, so I gotta learn how to keep myself accountable on time starting next week.

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