No Place I’d Rather Be Quarantined

After a long exhausting day moving yesterday, I rolled out of bed at noon. Setting up my room until late at night so it feels just right and cozy paid off, because I woke up feeling at home despite only living in this room for one night. Immediately afterwards, my friend texted me asking if I wanted to frolf (frisbee golf) since it was so nice outside. We always did it at midnight with a group of 20+ and this time it was in the middle of the day with only 6, but it felt calming just tossing a plastic disc around while practicing social distancing. Abu went to play pickup soccer for a while, and Chloe set up an ~aesthetic~ croom for us to chill in. Some people in the groupchat “Those Who Remain” were thinking of planning social (but not too social) events for our new dorms and with all of this going around, I feel like we’re finally getting settled into our new lives. It’s an unnerving time to be in, for sure, but I’m glad I’m stuck at Williams with these people to ride it out with.

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