Awake for 33 hours 🥱

It really says something about someone’s time management skills when you pull an all-nighter for an essay due the next day when you’ve had three(!) weeks of break to write it, doesn’t it. Oh well. What can I say, I enjoyed my time settling into quarantine life, my mind unobstructed by 18th-century Russian judicial punishment and the likes.

But there comes a time in life (namely, today) where you have to buckle down and think hard about 18th-century Russian judicial punishment, especially how the usage of capital punishment and penance can coexist in a time of Enlightenment ideals that espoused secular and rational modes of thinking. I don’t know if I fully understand what I wrote — that’s a problem for Future Me — but after a grueling seven or so hours, I’m done! I really wanted this class to be a learning opportunity for me (hence the Writing Skills designation) but now I’m afraid I’m going to slack off and not get the personal improvements I had hoped for. But I’m painfully aware that this is a problem that lies entirely within me, and if I just put in the effort, I can have this class be what I want. I’m rooting for Future Me to do what’s right.

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