Move In Day!!!

I’m officially in Sage EF now! Frosh Quad kids always pointed to Mission Hill as a con to living in Mission, and I always thought that was a weak argument. But after hauling six trips worth of boxes and suitcases, I’m glad to say that will be my last time in a while walking up that hill.

There are still remnants of the previous tenant scattered throughout the room(s), but I’ve slowly started unpacking and establishing my dominance within Sage E209 and its surroundings. I use plural because we also get our individual bathrooms and crooms for Social Distancing purposes. It’s a nice setup and even though I thought I’d be lonely with only 15 students living in a building meant for >100, my friends are only a couple doors away 🙂 We were all busy with our moving, but I’m sure tomorrow and onwards we’ll get to know each other even more and I couldn’t be more excited!

P.S. Also, amidst today’s busyness, I Google Hangout-ed with the Schow librarians I work with! It was nice catching up with all of them and seeing how they’re coping well, and I’m looking forward to our next call sometime next week.

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