March brought Mayhem, April brought Aliens, May brings…!?

So yeah, 2020 has been a wild ride to say the least. Somehow an entire month has passed by since quarantine, and who knows how many more there will be! For the longest time, I wasn’t homesick at all. I didn’t go back home over winter break so it’s been almost a year without seeing my family. Sure I missed them and my friends and actual good food, but I never seemed to dwell on it and become saddened (don’t tell my mom this). I thought it was because I was too busy meeting new friends and learning, but I’ve just realized it was because I left one home for another. Luckily for me, I was accepted so quickly by the community that I never felt the need to reach out to familiarity — I was already at home.

But now, with almost all of my friends gone, I have been getting homesick. Especially when I think about how much longer it’ll be until I can next see my friends and family again. I’m constantly thinking about when we’ll be back together, when life will return to normal, when I’ll feel like I’m back home.

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