Mapping Out the Future

It seems futile to think about future plans — next semester’s courses, next summer’s internships, jobs, careers, life — in the face of “unprecedented times.” What’s the point? I think of all the graduating seniors who had plans for their first job, students with grand plans of managing time better and having fun in the spring, kids planning out which concerts to go to. All of it, vanished. Yet cruelly, we’re forced to make them anyhow without even a guarantee that it’ll go through.

I was talking to some upperclassmen today, who were trying to dispel wisdom on me about which classes to take and which study-abroads and winter studies are the most fun. And I could only think about how that might be true right now, but what if it’s not one, two years down the road? I thought going to Williams would set me up for life, and I see people acting as if it will, but in reality, you never know what could happen. A part of me realizes that it’s unproductive to think about all the what-ifs and scare myself into indecision, but I can’t help it. I guess all I can do it have a (naively) optimistic view and live on.

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