I Love My Friends!!!

Today was an eventful day! My friend Ruth, who lives only a couple of minutes away, brought her dog Elwood so we could go on a walk together. So along with Abu, we explored the ghost town that is Williamstown and stopped every once in a while for Elwood to make his presence felt by peeing on a sign. He might’ve pooped once or twice as well, but that’s okay because he’s such a good boy. πŸ₯ΊAlso, there is so much energy in that little dude! He almost punctured my one good disc but got bored of it immediately so there’s minimal damage. I missed dogs, but even more, I missed Ruth. It was so nice being able to see her even just for a little bit. I hope she comes back sometime soon.

Later at night, I jokingly made a Google Hangouts video chat for my entry’s weekly Sunday snack nights. Here are a few takeaways:

  • The turnout is around the same as usual, but there’s less fluidity in joining/leaving because you can’t quietly disappear back into your room
  • It’s Chaotic. I think the combination of not being able to judge the atmosphere of the room quickly and accurately, and differing audio levels and lag created a hectic environment where you couldn’t really focus on one part of a conversation or another.
  • But, it’s fun! I was so happy being able to see everyone’s faces and seeing that they were doing well. Also, a pro to video chats is that we can now show off our dogs/cats/stuffed animals/anything else that is cute and cool.

I’m glad that we were able to do this impromptu call and I hope more people join next time. Maybe the memeified Zoom will work better at handling 10+ rowdy teens who are starved of social interaction?

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