Haystack Mountain (VT)

This time, I didn’t overprepare! Pipe texted me asking if I wanted to go on another hike, and even though it was forecasted to rain in the next hour, of course I said yes. It was a bit further than Stone Hill (a 30min drive, actually) but eventually we got to the base of Haystack Mountain. We had promised ourselves that we’d turn back if it was raining heavily there, but it was only… snowing? In April? Oh well. I was a little under-dressed for the cold but convinced myself that I’d warm up on the way up, and off we went!

It was a bit difficult, especially with the lack of traction in the snow, but after an hour or so the trees parted and made way for an absolutely gorgeous view of Vermont. For a while, we just stood there, six feet apart with the wind whipping our faces, taking in the beauty. Then our faces started to hurt so we hopped back down into the trees. In that moment, I forgot about all my troubles, all the world’s troubles. I felt cleansed of all my worries. Nothing on my mind but mountains and family.

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