Entry Snacks

I miss my entry :(((

When I joined our Zoom entry snacks, Papa (my JA) and Ilana (also my JA) were the only ones there. It was nice seeing their faces again and catching up. Slowly, other people started trickling in but I was the only one with a snack on hand (I think). We just talked about the usual: the weather, the corona, our work, plans for summer and wild unsubstantiated speculation about the situation going forward.

Apparently Zoom has private messages! Kinda cool. I guess it’s an alright alternative to breaking up in smaller groups to talk — which is what naturally happens in physical entry snacks — because sometimes I don’t want to talk about TV shows or something. I still love them though. Also, I downloaded the Chrome web extension for Zoom (previously I just did in-browser) so I can see everyone on a grid, and it worked like a charm! If you don’t want China spying on you, it’s a great replacement to downloading the native app. #staysafeonlineandoffline

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