Doggy on the Run

It was one of those rare days — a sunny, cloudless day — that just makes you want to drop your math pset and go for a walk outside. So that’s exactly what I did. Am I going to continue justifying my chronic procrastination with “I had to enjoy the good weather because you never know when it comes around again”, even as it’s coming around again more and more often? Maybe!

Halfway through my walk, I happened to come across a lost pupper. And before I could maintain proper social distancing measures, he flung his 60 pounds of pure puppy muscle straight at me! I hope dogs can’t pass on ‘rona cause he slobbered all over my face as a greeting. How lovely 🥰 After a moment the owner caught up, apologizing to me that he was so excited to be outside (just like me) that he escaped the leash! I had already forgiven him from the get-go because honestly, if I was a dog, I would do the same.

So do I regret procrastinating on my math pset that I haven’t started yet and is due in 3 minutes? Not in the slightest.

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