I feel like over the last three days, I’ve fired maybe a total of five or so neurons in my brain. I’m afraid they’re gonna start disappearing one by one if I don’t use them, so I decided that today was going to be a Productive Day.
And it kinda worked! I (finally) confirmed my internship for the summer, which will be back in Japan. Hopefully things don’t get out of control between now and then so I can go back and do it, especially since I know some companies are cancelling internships or moving them to a remote format. But who knows? The Olympics are postponed for a year, there are no signs of reported cases slowing down, and the economy is not looking too hot right now. I know I can only worry about this because of my privilege, but it concerns me nonetheless.
I was also able to do some CS lab work that’s due the first Wednesday back, which is not that far from now(!) We really spent an entire week in campus quarantine already, even though it seemed to fly by. But now that we’re settled in for good and have started school work and such, it might start to become more of a slog. Let’s hope not.