
Selected Articles

  • Lubowich, Donald A., K. R. Anantharamaiah, and —– 1989, “A Search for Localized Sources of Non-Cosmological Deuterium Near the Galactic Center,”Astrophys. J. 345, 770-775.
  • Olson, R. J. M., and —– 1989, “Is Comet P/Halley of 684 Recorded in the Nuremberg Chronicle?” J. Hist. Astron. 20, 171-174.
  • Chandraskhar, T., J. N. Desai, N. M. Ashok, and —– 1991, “Fabry-Perot Line Profiles in the 5303 A and 6374 A Coronal Lines Obtained During the 1983 Indonesian Eclipse,” Solar Physics 31, 25-39.
  • Olson, Roberta J. M. O., and —– 1992, “The 1816 Solar Eclipse and Comet 1811 I in John Linnell’s Astronomical Album,” J. Hist. Astron. 23, 121-133.
  • —–, Kevin P. Reardon, and John MacKenty 1993, “Coronal Images from the 1984 Solar Eclipse,” Solar Physics 146, 405-408.
  • —–, Roberta J. M. Olson, and Martha L. Hazen, 1996, “The Earliest Comet Photographs: Usherwood, Bond, and Donati 1858,” J. Hist. Astron. 27, 129-145.
  • Olson, Roberta J. M., and —– 1997, “Recording the ‘wonderful meteor’ of 18 August 1783: The Sandbys, ‘Samuel Scott,’ and heavenly bodies,” Apollo, CXLVI, November 1997, pp. 12-19.
  • Elliot, James L., H. B. Hammel, L. H. Wasserman, O. G. Franz, S. W. McDonald, M. J. Person, C. B. Olkin, E. W. Dunham, J. R. Spencer, J. A. Stansberry, M. W. Buie, —–, Bryce A. Babcock, and Timothy H. McConnochie, 1998, “Global Warming on Triton,” Nature, 393, 765-767, 25 June.
  • —–, 1998, “Williams College’s Hopkins Observatory: The Oldest Extant Observatory in the United States,” Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 1 (1), 61-78.
  • —–, 1999, “Halley and his maps of the total eclipses of 1715 and 1724,” Astronomy & Geophysics (Royal Astronomical Society) 40, 18-22, April.
  • —–, 1999, “Halley as an eclipse pioneer: his maps and observations of the total solar eclipses of 1715 and 1724,” Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 2(1), 39-54, June.
  • —–, 1999, “Halley et ses cartes d’eclipses totales de 1715 et 1724,” Ciel et Terre 115, mars-avril, 51-56.
  • Lubowich, D. A., Jay M. Pasachoff, Thomas J. Balonek, T. J. Millar, Christy Tremonti, Helen Roberts, and Robert P. Galloway,
    2000, “Deuterium in the Galactic Centre as a result of recent infall of low-metallicity gas,” Nature 405, 1025-1027, 29 June 2000.
  • Phillips, K. J. H., P. D. Read, P. T. Gallagher, F. P. Keenan, P. Rudawy, B. Rompolt, A. Berlicki, A. Buczylko, F. Diego, R. Barnsley, R. N. Smartt, —–, and B. A. Babcock 2000, “SECIS: The Solar Eclipse Coronal Eclipse Imaging System,” Solar Physics 193, 259.
  • Elliot, J. L., M. J. Person, S. W. McDonald, M. W. Buie, E. W. Dunham, R. L. Millis, R. A. Nye, C. B. Olkin, L. H. Wasserman, L. A. Young, W. B. Hubbard, R. Hill, H. J. Reitsema, —–, T. H. McConnochie, B. A. Babcock, R. C. Stone, P. Francis 2000, “Further Evidence for Increasing Pressure in Triton’s Atmosphere,” Icarus 148, 347.
  • —–, B. A. Babcock, K. D. Russell, T. H. McConnochie, and S. Diaz 2000, “A Search at Two Eclipses for Short-Period Waves that Heat the Corona,” Solar Physics 195, #2, 281.
  • Lubowich, D. A., Jay M. Pasachoff, Robert P. Galloway, Thomas A. Balonek, Christy Tremonti, Tom Millar, and Helen Roberts 2000, “The Deuterium Abundance In The Galactic Center 50 km/s Molecular Cloud: Evidence for A Cosmological Origin of D,” Proceedings of The Light Elements and Their Evolution, IAU Symposium 198, L. da Silva, M. Spite, and J. R. de Medeiros, eds., Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
  • Lubowich, D. A., —–, and J. Ostenson 2000, “Deuterium Near and Far in the Milky Way,” delivered at the Audouze-Truran Conference on Cosmic Evolution, Institut d’Astrophysique, Paris; proceedings in preparation.
  • —– 2002, “Menzel and Eclipses,” for Donald H. Menzel Centennial Symposium, Donald H. Menzel: Scientist, Education, Builder, in Journal for the History of Astronomy, 33(2), No. 111, 139-156.
  • —–, B. A. Babcock, K. D. Russell, and D. B. Seaton 2002, “Short-Period Waves that Heat the Corona Detected at the 1999 Eclipse,” Solar Physics207, 241-257. astro-ph 0202237.
  • —– 2002, “What Should College Students Learn?  Phases and Seasons?  Is Less More or Is Less Less?” Astronomy Education Review1, issue 1, 124-130.
  • Olson, R. J. M., and —– 2002, “Comets, meteors, and eclipses: Art and science in early Renaissance Italy,” Meteoritics37, November 2002, 1563-1578.
  • Kilburn, Kevin J., —–, and Owen Gingerich 2003, “The Forgotten Star Atlas: John Bevis’s Uranographia Britannica,” Journal for the History of Astronomyxxxiv, 125-144.
  • Elliot, J. L., A. Ates, B. A. Babcock, A. S. Bosh, M. W. Buie, K. B. Clancy, E. W. Dunham, S. S. Eikenberry, D. T. Hall, S. D. Kern,  S. K. Leggett, S. E. Levine,  D.-S. Moon, C. B. Olkin, D. J. Osip, J. M. Pasachoff, B. E. Penprase, M. J. Person, S. Qu, J. T. Rayner, L. C. Roberts, Jr., C. V. Salyk, S. P. Souza, R. C. Stone, B. W. Taylor, D. J. Tholen, J. E. Thomas-Osip, D. R. Ticehurst, and L. H. Wasserman 2003, “The recent expansion of Pluto’s atmosphere,” Nature 424, 165-168, July 10, 2003.
  • —– 2003, ” What Should Students Learn?  Stellar Magnitudes?” Astronomy Education Review2, issue 4.
  • Lubowich, D. A., G. Brammer, H. Roberts, T. J. Millar, C. Henkel, and —– 2004, “The Chemical Composition of a Molecular Cloud at the Outer Edge of the Galaxy,” Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series, Vol. 4: Origin and Evolution of the Elements, A. McWilliam and M. Rauch, eds.
  • Schneider, G., —–, and L. Golub 2004, “Space Observations of the 15 November 1999 Transit of Mercury and the Black Drop Effect for the 2004 Transit of Venus,” Icarus168 (April), 249-256.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Steven P. Souza, Bryce A. Babcock, David R. Ticehurst (Williams College); James L. Elliot, M. J. Person, and Kelly B. Clancy (MIT); Lewis C. Roberts, Jr., and Doyle T. Hall (Boeing Co., Maui); and David J. Tholen (U. Hawaii) 2005, “The Structure of Pluto’s Atmosphere from the 2002 August 21 Stellar Occultation,” Astron. J.129(3), 1718-1723.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Glenn Schneider, and Leon Golub, 2005, “The black-drop effect explained,” in Transits of Venus: New Views of the Solar System and Galaxy, IAU Colloquium No. 196 (U.K., 2004), D. W. Kurtz and G. E. Bromage, eds., 242-253.
  • Gulbis, A. A. S., J. L. Elliot, M. J. Person, and E. R. Adams (MIT), B. A. Babcock (Williams College), M. Emilio (Univ. Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brazil), J. W. Gangestad (Williams College), S. D. Kern and E. A. Kramer (MIT), D. J. Osip (OCIW), J. M. Pasachoff and S. P. Souza (Williams College), and T. Tuvikene (Vrije Univ., Belgium), 2006, “Charon’s radius and atmospheric constraints from the stellar occultation observations,” Nature; Jan. 5, 2006, issue, 439, doi:10.1038/nature04276, pp. 48-51. analyzed in:
  • Schneider, G., J. M. Pasachoff, and Richard C. Willson, 2006, “The Effect of the Transit of Venus on ACRIM’s Total Solar Irradiance Measurements: Implications for Transit Studies of Extrasolar Planets,” Astrophys. J. 641, 565-571.
  • Person, M. J., J. L. Elliot, A. A. S. Gulbis, J. M. Pasachoff, B. A. Babcock, S. P. Souza, and J. W. Gangestad 2006, “Charon’s Radius and Density from the Combined Data Sets of the 2005 July 11 Occultation,” Astron. J. 132, 1575-1580.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Shelby B. Kimmel, Miloslav Druckmüller, Vojtech Rusin, and Metod Saniga, 2006, “The 8 April 2005 Eclipse White-Light Corona,” Solar Physics 238, 261-270.
  • Souza, Steven P., Bryce A. Babcock, Jay M. Pasachoff, Amanda A. S. Gulbis, James L. Elliot, Michael J. Person, and Joseph W. Gangestad, 2006, “POETS: Portable Occultation, Eclipse, and Transit System,” Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 118, 1550-1557.
  • Elliot, J. L., M. J. Person, A. A. S. Gulbis, S. P. Souza, E. R. Adams, B. A. Babcock, J. W. Gangestad, A. E. Jaskot, E. A. Kramer, J. M. Pasachoff, R. E. Pike, C. A. Zuluaga, A. S. Bosh, S. W. Dieters, P. J. Francis, A. B. Giles, J. G. Greenhill, B. Lade, R. Lucas, D. J. Ramm, 2007, “Changes in Pluto’s Atmosphere: 1988-2006,” Astron. J. 134, 1-13.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., 2007, “Observing solar eclipses in the developing world,” in Astronomy in the Developing World, Proceedings of IAU Special Session 5, J. B. Hearnshaw and P. Martinez, eds., Cambridge University Press, 265-268.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Vojtech Rusin, Miloslav Druckmüller, and Metod Saniga, 2007, “Fine Structures in the White-Light Solar Corona at the 2006 Eclipse,” Astrophys. J. 665, 824-829; 2007 August 10.
  • Ruffle, P. M. E., T. J. Millar, H. Roberts, D. A. Lubowich, C. Henkel, J. M. Pasachoff, and G. Brammer, 2007, “Galactic Edge Clouds I: Molecular Line Observations and Chemical Modeling of Edge Cloud 2,” Astrophysical J. 671, 1766-1783 (20 December).
  • Olson, Roberta J. M., and Jay M. Pasachoff, 2007, “St. Benedict Sees the Light: Asam’s Solar Eclipses as a Metaphor,” Religion and the Arts 11, 299-329. ( Also
  • Person, M. J., J. L. Elliot, A. A. S. Gulbis, C. A. Zuluaga, B. A. Babcock, A. J. McKay, J. M. Pasachoff, S. P. Souza, W. B. Hubbard, C. A. Kulesa, D. W. McCarthy, S. D. Kern, S. E. Levine, A. S. Bosh, E. V. Ryan, W. H. Ryan, A. Meyer, and J. Wolf, 2008, “Waves in Pluto’s Upper Atmosphere,” Astronomical Journal, 136, 1510-1518.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Vojtech Rusin, Miloslav Druckmüller, Hana Druckmüllerová, Marcel Bělík, Metod Saniga, Milan Minarovjech, Eva Marková, Bryce A. Babcock, Steven P. Souza, and Jesse S. Levitt, 2008, “Polar Plume Brightening During the 29 March 2006 Total Eclipse,” Astrophysical Journal 682, 638-643.
  • Noble, M. W., D. M. Rust, P. N. Bernasconi, J. M. Pasachoff, B. A. Babcock, and M. A. Bruck, 2008, “Observing the Solar Corona with a Tunable Fabry-Perot Filter,” Applied Optics, 47, 5744-5749,
  • Olson, Roberta J. M., and Jay M. Pasachoff, 2008, “Comets, Charisma, and Celebrity: Reflections on Their Deep Impact,” in Deep Impact as a World Observatory Event: Synergies in Space, Time, and Wavelength, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer; 2008: 10.1007/978-3-540-76959-0_5
  • Currie, Thayne, Evans, Nancy Remage, Spitzbard, Brad D., Irwin, Jonathan, Wolk, Scott J., Hernandez, Jesus, Kenyon, Scott J., and Pasachoff, Jay M., 2009, “The X-Ray Environment During the Epoch of Terrestrial Planet Formation: Chandra Observations of h Persei,” Astron. J., 137, #2, 3210-3221.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2009, “Solar Eclipses as an Astrophysical Laboratory,” Nature, June 11, 459, 789-795, DOI 10.1038/nature07987. press release: press release:
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2009, “Scientific Observations at Total Solar Eclipses,” Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 9, 613-634.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Vojtech Rusin, Miloslav Druckmüller, Peter Aniol, Metod Saniga, Milan Minarovjech, 2009, “The 2008 August 1 Eclipse Solar-Minimum Corona Unraveled,” Astrophys. J. 702, 1297-1308.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., William A. Jacobson, and Alphonse C. Sterling, 2009, “Limb Spicules from the Ground and from Space,” Solar Phys., 260, #1, 59-82. arXiv astro-ph 0909.0027; DOI 10.1007/s11207-009-9430-x
  • Voulgaris, A., T. Athanasiadis, J. H. Seiradakis, and J. M. Pasachoff, 2010, “A Comparison of the Red and Green Coronal Line Intensities at the 29 March 2006 and the 1 August 2008 Total Solar Eclipses: Considerations of the Temperature of the Solar Corona,” Solar Physics. DOI 10.1007/s11207-010-9575-7;;
  • Elliot, J. L., M. J. Person, C. A. Zuluaga, A. S. Bosh, E. R. Adams, T. C. Brothers, A. A. S. Gulbis, S. E. Levine, M. Lockhart, A. M. Zangari, B. A. Babcock, K. DuPré, J. M. Pasachoff, S. P. Souza, W. Rosing, N. Secrest, L. Bright, E. W. Dunham, S. S. Sheppard, M. Kakkala, T. Tilleman, B. Berger, J. W. Briggs, G. Jacobson, P. Valleli, B. Volz, S. Rapoport, R. Hart, M. Brucker, R. Michel, A. Mattingly, L. Zambrano-Marin, A. W. Meyer, J. Wolf, E. V. Ryan, W. H. Ryan, K. Morzinsky, B. Grigsby, J. Brimacombe, D. Ragozzine, H. G. Montano, and A. Gilmore, 2010, “Size and albedo of Kuiper belt object 55636 from a stellar occultation,” Nature, 465, 897-900, June 17, doi:10.1038/nature09109.
  • Tanga, P., T. Widemann, B. Sicardy, J. Pasachoff, J. Arnaud, L. Comolli, A. Rondi, S. Rondi, and P. Suetterlin, 2012, “Sunlight refraction in the mesosphere of Venus during the transit on June 8th, 2004,” Icarus, March.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M.,Vojtech Rušin, Metod Saniga, Hana Druckmüllerová, and Bryce A. Babcock, 2011, “Structure and Dynamics of the 22 July 2009 Eclipse White-Light Corona,” Astrophys. J. 742, 29-42. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/742/1/29
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., and William Sheehan, 2012, “Lomonosov, the Discovery of Venus’s Atmosphere, and Eighteenth-century Transits of Venus,” Journal for the History and Heritage of Astronomy 15 (1), RP1, 1-12.
  • Voulgaris, Aris, Paul Gaintatzis, John H. Seiradakis, Jay M. Pasachoff, and Thanasis E. Economou, 2012, “Spectroscopic Coronal Observations during the Total Solar Eclipse of 11 July 2010,” Solar Physics 278 (1), 187-202; DOI: 10.1007/s11207-012-9929-4.
  • Person, M. J., E. W. Dunham, A. S. Bosh, S. E. Levine, A. A. S. Gulbis, A. M. Zangari, C. A. Zuluaga, J. M. Pasachoff, B. A. Babcock, S. Pandey, D. Amrhein, S. Sallum, D. J. Tholen, P. Collins, T. Bida, B. Taylor, J. Wolf, A. Meyer, E. Pfueller, M. Wiedemann, H.-P. Roeser, R. Lucas, M. Kakkala, J. Ciotti, S. Plunkett, N. Hiraoka, W. Best, E. J. Pilger, M. Miceli, A. Springmann, M. Hicks, B. Thackeray, J. Emery, S. Rapoport, I. Ritchie, M. Pearson, A. Mattingly, J. Brimacombe, D. Gault, R. Jones, R. Nolthenius, J. Broughton, T. Barry, 2013, “The 2011 June 23 Stellar Occultation by Pluto: Airborne and Ground Observations,” Astron. J. 146, 83 (15pp), October, doi:10.1088/0004-6256/146/4/83.
  • Peñaloza-Murillo, Marcos A., and Jay M. Pasachoff, 2015, “Air-cooling mathematical analysis as inferred from the air temperature observation during the 1st total occultation of the Sun of the 21st century in June 21, 2001, at Lusaka, Zambia,” Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 125-126, April 2015, 59–77.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., and R. J. M. Olson, 2014, “Art of the Eclipse,” Nature 506, 17 April 2014, cover and pp. 314-5.
  • Gulbis, A. A. S., J. P. Emery, M. J. Person, A. S. Bosh, C. A. Zuluaga, J. M. Pasachoff, and B. A. Babcock, 2015, “Observations of the same-day 2011 stellar occultation by Charon and graze by Pluto,” Icarus 246, 226-236. DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.05.014
  • Bosh, A. S., M. J. Person, S. E. Levine, C. A. Zuluaga, A. M. Zangari, A. A. S. Gulbis, G. Schaefer, E. W. Dunham, B. A. Babcock, A. B. Davis, J. M. Pasachoff, P. Rojo, E. Servajean, F. Förster, T. Oswalt, D. Batcheldor, D. Bell, P. Bird, D. Fey, T. Fulwider, E. Geisert, D. Hastings, C. Keuhler, T. Mizusawa, P. Solenski, B. Watson, 2015, “The State of Pluto’s Atmosphere in 2013,”  Icarus 246, 237-246.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., V. Rušin, M. Saniga, B. A. Babcock, M. Lu, A. B. Davis, R. Dantowitz, P. Gaintatzis, J. H. Seiradakis, A. Voulgaris, D. B. Seaton, and K. Shiota, 2015, “Structure and Dynamics of the 13/14 November 2012 White-Light Corona,” Astrophysical Journal 800, 90 (19pp),; doi:10.1088/0004-637X/800/2/90;
    102. Pasachoff J. M., 2015, “Simon Marius’s Mundus Iovialis: 400th Anniversary in Galileo’s Shadow,” Journal for the History of Astronomy, May, 46(2), 218-234.
    DOI: 10.1177/0021828615585493,
  • Pasachoff, J. M., and R. J. M. Olson, 2015, “The 1918 Eclipse Mural Series by Howard Russell Butler for the American Museum of Natural History and the Hayden Planetarium
,” in Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena VIII: City of Stars,, edited by B. P. Abbott (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 501.
  • Karalidi, Theodora, Dániel Apai, Glenn Schneider, Jake R. Hanson, and Jay M. Pasachoff, 2015, “Aeolus: An MCMC Code for Mapping Brown Dwarf and Other Ultra Cool Atmospheres,” Astrophys. J. 814, 65, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/814/1/65
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Michael J. Person, Amanda S. Bosh, Amanda A. Sickafoose, Carlos Zuluaga, Stephen E. Levine, David J. Osip, A. R. Schiff, Christina H. Seeger, Bryce A. Babcock, Patricio Rojo, Molly R. Kosiarek, and Elise Servajean, 2016, “Trio of stellar occultations by Pluto One Year Prior to New Horizons’s Arrival,” AJ 151, #4, 97.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., and Kevin J. Kilburn, 2016, “John Bevis’s 18th-century Atlas Celeste: An Oft-Overlooked Treasure,” Proceedings of the Ninth meeting on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena, INSAPIX (, London, held in 2015, ed. Nicholas Campion (Sophia Centre Press), in press.
  • Bosh, Amanda S., Michael J. Person, Carlos A. Zuluaga, Amanda A. Sickafoose, Stephen E. Levine, Jay M. Pasachoff, Bryce A. Babcock, Edward W. Dunham, Ian S. McLeane, Jürgen Wolf, Fumio Abe, Eric E. Becklin, Thomas A. Bida, Len P. Bright, Tim Brothers, Grant Christie, Peter L. Collins, Rebecca F. Durst, Alan C. Gilmore, Ryan T. Hamilton, Hugh C. Harris, Chris Johnson, Pamela M. Kilmartin, Molly Kosiarek, Karina Leppik, Sarah E. Logsdon, Robert Lucas, Shevill Mathers, C. J. K. Morley, Peter Nelson, Haydn Ngan, Enrico Pfüller, Tim Natusch, Hans-Peter Röser, Stephanie Sallum, Maureen L. Savage, Christina H. Seeger, Ho Chit Siu, Chris Stockdale, Daisuke Suzuki, Thanawuth Thanathibodee, Trudy Tilleman, Paul J. Tristram, Jeffrey Van Cleve, Carolle Varughese, Luke W. Weisenbach, Elizabeth Widen, Manuel Wiedemann, 2016, “Haze in Pluto’s atmosphere: Results from SOFIA and ground-based observations of the 2015 June 29 Pluto occultation,” Icarus, submitted.
  • Peñaloza-Murillo, Marcos A., and Jay M. Pasachoff, 2016, “The longest total occultation of the Sun of the 21st century at Tianhuangping (Zhejiang), China: Air-temperature observations and its theoretical analysis under adverse meteorological conditions,” J. Geophys. Res., submitted, under revision.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Vojtech Rusin, Metod Saniga, Allen B. Davis, and Daniel B. Seaton, 2016, “Intricacies of the 2013 November 3 Hybrid-Eclipse White-Light Corona,” Astrophys. J., submitted, under revision.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Bryce A. Babcock, Rebecca F. Durst, Christina H. Seeger, Stephen E. Levine, Amanda S. Bosh, Michael J. Person, Amanda A. Sickafoose, Carlos A. Zuluaga, Molly R. Kosiarek
, Fumio Abe, Masayuki Nagakane, Daisuke Suzuki, Paul J. Tristram, 2016, “Pluto Occultation on 2015 June 29 UTC With Central Flash and Atmospheric Spikes Just Before the New Horizons Flyby,” Icarus, submitted, under revision.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Marcos A. Peñaloza-Murillo, Allison L. Carter, and Michael T. Roman, 2016, “Terrestrial atmospheric responses on Svalbard to the 20 March 2015 Arctic total solar eclipse under extreme conditions,” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 374: 20160188.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Bernd Gährken, and Glenn Schneider, 2017, “Using the 2016 transit of Mercury to find the distance to the Sun,” The Physics Teacher, 55, 3 (March), 137-141: cover illustration plus article:

Selected Shorter Articles and Abstracts

  • —– 1993, “Coronal Morphology and Heating-Mechanism Observations at Total Eclipses Through 1992, delivered at Int. Astron. Union Colloq. 144 Solar Coronal Structures, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia; published in Proceedings, 523-527.
  • —– 1993, “Total Solar Eclipses, 1994-1999,” delivered at Int. Astron. Union Colloq. 144 Solar Coronal Structures, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia; Published in Proceedings, 579-584.
  • —– 1994, “Astronomy Education in the United States: U.S. National Report for Commission 46 (Teaching of Astronomy) of the IAU,” for I.A.U. Commission 46 Newsletter, No. 37, November 1993, pp. 25-27.
  • Lubowich, D., —–, T. J. Balonek, C. A. Tremonti (Colgate undergraduate; Keck summer student with me), Robert P. Galloway ’96 (Williams undergraduate), and Ann Mancuso (Hofstra undergraduate) 1994, “DCN in the 20 km/s Galactic Center Molecular Cloud: Confirmation of the Existence of Deuterium in the Galactic Center,” Washington, D.C. A.A.S.; Bull. A.A.S. 25, #4, 1467 (1993).
  • —– 1994, “Curriculum Reform Projects and their Effect on Astronomy,” Washington A.A.S.; Bull. A.A.S. 25, #4, 1389 (1993).
  • —– 1994, “Observing the Solar Eclipses of 10 May 1994 and 3 November 1994,” Washington A.A.S.; Bull. A.A.S.
  • —– 1994, “Textbooks and Electronic Media,” delivered at Joint Discussion 4 of I.A.U. General Assembly at The Hague, “Current Developments in Astronomy Education”; published in proceedings, J. R. Percy, ed., pp. 32-34.
  • Lubowich, D., —–, Robert P. Galloway ’96 (Williams undergraduate), Robert L. Kurucz, and Vern V. Smith 1995, “An Upper Limit for the Deuterium Abundance in the Halo Star HD 140283,” Tucson A.A.S.; Bull. A.A.S. 26, #4, 1479 (1994).
  • —–, “Williams College’s Hopkins Observatory: The Oldest Extant Observatory in the United States,” Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 1 (1), 61-78 (1998).
  • —–, B. A. Babcock, K. D. Russell, and S. K. May 2000, “Eclipse Observations of Coronal Structure, Polarization, and Oscillations from 11 August 1999,” delivered at the Rochester meeting of the A.A.S., June 2000, paper 49.04; abstract in the Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 32, #2, 2000, pp. 750-751.
  • Person, J. M., J. L. Elliot, S. W. McDonald, M. W. Buie, E. W. Dunham, R. L. Millis, R. A. Nye, C. B. Olkin, L. H. Wasserman, L. A. Young, W. B. Hubbard, R. Hill, H. J. Reitsema, J. M. Pasachoff, B. A. Babcock, T. M. McConnochie, R. C. Stone 2000, “Further Evidence for Increasing Pressure and a Non-spherical Shape in Triton’s Atmosphere,” AAS Division of Planetary Sciences, abstract 32.4502.
  • —–, Kevin Russell, Daniel B. Seaton, Bryce A. Babcock, and Stephan Martin 2001, “Eclipse/SOHO Joint Observations of Solar Eclipses,” May 2001 joint meeting of the Solar Physics Division of the AAS and the American Geophysical Union, Boston; AGU Abstract #SH-41B-25, p. 91 (2001).
  • Schneider, G., —–, and L. Golub 2001, “TRACE Observations of the 15 November 1999 Transit of Mercury,” AAS Division of Planetary Sciences meeting, New Orleans, November, #10.02; Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 33, #3, 1037. See
  • Lubowich, D. A., —–, T. J. Millar, H. Roberts, G. B. Brammer, C. Henkel 2002, “The Chemical Composition at the Edge of the Galaxy,” 199th AAS meeting, Washington, DC, January 2002, #58.04.
  • Seaton, D. B., —–, B. A. Babcock, and Kevin D. Russell 2002, “Further Analysis of Short-Period Waves for Coronal Heating from the 1999 Eclipse,” 200th AAS meeting, Albuquerque, June 2002, #88.04; B.A.A.S. 34(2), 789.
  • —– 2002, “Coronal Heating, Mapping, and Polarization: The Williams College Expedition,” delivered at the “Eclipses and the Solar Corona” meeting at l’Institut d’Astrophysique, Paris; publication: Karine Bocchialini and Serge Koutchmy, eds., 2002, Observations et Travaux, 2001, Vol. 53, pp. 42-44.
  • Buie, M. W., J. L. Elliot, M. R. Kidger, A. S. Bosh, O. Saá, C. B. Olkin, B. W. Taylor, L. H. Wasserman, K. Clancy, M. J. Person, S. E. Levine, R. C. Stone, P. G. Per z Gonzct for the Division of Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical
    Society, October, Birmingham, AL; Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 34, No. 3, 877.
  • Elliot, J. L., K. B. Clancy (MIT), J. T. Rayner, D. J. Tholen (U. of Hawaii), M. J. Person, D. J. Osip (MIT), J. M. Pasachoff, B. A. Babcock, D. R. Ticehurst (Williams), D. Hall, L. C. Roberts, Jr. (Boeing), A. S. Bosh (Boston U. and Lowell), S. S. Eikenberry, D.-S. Moon (Cornell), M. W. Buie, E. W. Dunham, C. B. Olkin, B. Taylor (Lowell), S. D. Kern, S. Qu, C. V. Salyk (MIT), S. K. Leggett (UKIRT), S. E. Levine, R. C. Stone (USNO Flagstaff) 2002, “Pluto Occultation of P131.1 in 2002 August: Overview of Observations and Infrared Results,” abstract for 201st AAS meeting, Seattle, January 2003, 61.01; B.A.A.S. 34, No. 4, 1211.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., J. L. Elliot (MIT), B. A. Babcock and D. R. Ticehurst (Williams College), D. Tholen, and M. J. Person 2002,
    “High-Time-Resolution White-Light Observations of Pluto’s Occultation of P131.1 in 2002 August,” abstract for 201st AAS meeting, Seattle, January 2003, 61.02; B.A.A.S. 34, No. 4, 1211.
  • M. J. Person, J. L. Elliot, K. B. Clancy (MIT), D. J. Tholen, J. T. Rayner (U. of Hawaii), J. M. Pasachoff, B. A. Babcock, D. R. Ticehurst (Williams), D. Hall, L. C. Roberts (Boeing), A. S. Bosh (Boston U. & Lowell), S. S. Eikenberry, D.-S. Moon (Cornell U.), M. W. Buie, E. W. Dunham, C. B. Olkin, B. Taylor (Lowell), S. D. Kern, D. J. Osip, S. Qu, C. V. Salyk (MIT), S. K. Leggett (UKIRT), S. E. Levine, R. C. Stone (USNO) 2002, “Examination of Pluto’s Figure with the P131.1 Stellar Occultation,” abstract for 201st AAS meeting, Seattle, January 2003, 61.03; B.A.A.S. 34, No. 4, 1211-12.
  • G. Schneider, and L. Golub, 2003, “Space Studies of the Black Drop Effect at a Mercury Transit,” IAU01082, presented at the Joint Discussion on Mercury, Sydney General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, #1204, p. 156.
  • Pasachoff, J. M. 2003, “The November 23, 2003, Antarctic Eclipse,” IAU01232, presented at the Special Session on Astronomy in Antarctica, Sydney General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, abstract #1988, p. 272.
  • Lubowich, D., G. Brammer, Helen Roberts, T. Millar, C. Henkel, J. Pasachoff, P. Ruffle 2003, “The Composition at the Outer Edge of the Galaxy,” IAU02194, Presented in Joint Discussion 15 on Elemental Abundances in Old Stars, Sydney, abstract #1712, p. 231.
  • Person, M. J., J. L. Elliot, K. B. Clancy, S. D. Kern, C. V. Salyk, D.J. Tholen, J. M. Pasachoff, B. A. Babcock, S. P. Souza, D. R. Ticehurst, D. Hall, L. C. Roberts Jr. (Boeing), A. S. Bosh, M. W. Buie, E. W. Dunham, C. B. Olkin, B. Taylor (Lowell), S. E. Levine (USNO), S. S. Eikenberry, D.-S. Moon, D. J. Osip 2003, “Pluto’s Atmospheric Figure from the P131.1 Stellar Occultation,” Division of Planetary Sciences, AAS, 23.01, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 35, 957.
  • G. Schneider, and L. Golub 2004, “Explanation of the Black Drop Effect at Transits of Mercury and the Forthcoming Transit of Venus,” AAS Atlanta, January 2004, Special Session on the Transit of Venus.
  • Olson, Roberta J. M., and —– 2004, “Astronomy at the Medici Courts: Art and Science in the Family’s Service,” Symposium on East-West Innovations and Early Modern Court Culture, 92nd Annual Conference of the College Art Association, Symposium on East-West Innovations and Early Modern Court Culture, Seattle.
  • Lubowich, D. A., N. Kuno, H. Roberts, T. J. Millar, C. Henkel, —–, R. Mauersberger 2004, “Deuterium nucleosynthesis in AGN: Is D cosmological?” Eighth International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Vancouver,
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Glenn Schneider, and Leon Golub, 2005, “The black drop effect explained,” IAU Colloquium 196 on Transits of Venus: New Views of the Solar System and Galaxy, Preston, Lancashire, U.K.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., G. Schneider (Steward Obs., U AZ), B. A. Babcock (Sci. Ctr., Williams Col.), D. L. Butts, J. W. Gangestad, O. W. Westbrook, and A. R. Cordova (Astr. Dept., Williams Col.), K. Gaydosh (Bryn Mawr Col./KNAC), and J. H. Seiradakis (U. Thessaloniki), 2004, “Satellite and Ground-Based Observations of the Transit of Venus,” delivered at the DPS/AAS meeting, Louisville; Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 36 (4), 1161.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., 2004, Woolf and transit of Venus, letter Isis, 95, 270.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2004, “Transit Research in the 21st Century,” Sky & Telescope 108, #5, 82.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2004, “The 23 November 2003 Total Solar Eclipse in Antarctica,” Highlights of Astronomy 13 (O. Engvold, ed.), 931.
  • Lubowich, D. A., G. Brammer, H. Roberts, T. J. Millar, J. M. Pasachoff, C. Henkel, and P. Ruffle, 2004, “The Composition at the Outer Edge of the Galaxy,” Highlights of Astronomy 13 (O. Engvold, ed.), Joint Discussion 15, abstract, 586.
  • Schneider, G., Jay M. Pasachoff, and Leon Golub, 2004, “Space Studies of the Black-Drop Effect at a Mercury Transit,” Highlights of Astronomy 13 (O. Engvold, ed.), 70-72.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., G. Schneider, and R. C. Willson, 2005, “The Effect of the Transit of Venus on ACRIM’s Total Solar Irradiance Measurements,” for the January AAS meeting in San Diego, 135.11; Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 36, #5, 1566.
  • Lubowich, D. A., N. Kuno, H. Roberts, T. J. Millar, C. Henkel, J. M. Pasachoff, and R. Mauersberger, 2005, “Deuterium Nucleosynthesis in AGN: Is D Cosmological,” for the January AAS meeting in San Diego, 118.07; Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 36, #5, 1546.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Kamen A. Kozarev, David L. Butts III, and Joseph W. Gangestad (Williams College), Daniel B. Seaton (UNH), Bart De Pontieu (Lockheed Martin SAL), Leon Golub and Edward DeLuca (SAO), Klaus Wilhelm (MPI Sonnensystemforschung), and Ingolf Dammasch (Mullard SSL/UCL), 2005, “Spicules, mass transfer, oscillations, and the heating of the corona,” American Astron. Soc. Solar Physics Div./American Geophysical Union meeting, New Orleans, May, symposium on “New Frontiers in Understanding the Structure of the Sun’s Chromosphere”; Eos Trans. AGU, 86(18), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract SH13C-02.
  • Evans, N. R., S. J. Wolk, N. Bizunok, B. Spitzbart, F. Seward, S. Kenyon, T. Barnes, and J. M. Pasachoff, 2005, “Chandra Observations of Open Cluster h Per,” Canadian Astron. Soc., Montreal,
  • Bizunok, N. S., N. R. Evans, S. J. Wolk, B. Spitzbart, F. D. Seward, S. J. Kenyon, T. G. Barnes, and J. M. Pasachoff, 2005, “The Open Cluster h Per as Seen by Chandra” for the May-June AAS meeting in Minneapolis, 36.04; Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 37, #2, 488.
  • Bizunok, Natalya, Wolk, S. J., Evans, N. R., Spitzbart, B., Seward, F., Kenyon, S., Barnes, T., Pasachoff, J. M., ” h Persei: Young Star Cluster in X-rays,” Star Formation in the Era of Three Great Observatories, meeting abstracts from the conference held July 13-15, 2005 in Cambridge, MA., p. 48.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., 2005, “The transit of Venus and the black-drop mystery,” The Observatory, June, 125, #1186, pp.121-123; report of a talk at a Royal Astronomical Society meeting in November 2004.
  • Gulbis, A. A. S., J. L. Elliot, M. J. Person, E. R. Adams, S. D. Kern, E. A. Kramer (MIT), B. A. Babcock, J. W. Gangestad, J. M. Pasachoff, and S. P. Souza (Williams College), D. J. Osip (OCIW), M. Emilio (Univ. Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brazil), and T. Tuvikene (Vrije Univ., Belgium), 2005, “Charon’s radius and atmospheric constraints from the 2005 July 11 stellar occultation,” for the September AAS/DPS meeting in Cambridge, UK, abstract 55.05, replacing the previous abstract as a late paper; Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, #4, 1751.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Bryce Babcock, Steven Souza, Jesse Levitt, Megan Bruck, Shelby Kimmel, Paul Hess, Anna Tsykalova, Amy Steele, 2006, “Solar Eclipse on 29 March 2006,” NASA SOHO Hotshots: Astronomy Picture of the Day:
  • Evans, Nancy Remage, Scott J. Wolk, Natalya Bizunok, Brad Spitzbart, Fred Seward, Scott Kenyon (SAO), Tom Barnes (Univ. of Texas), Jay Pasachoff (Williams), 2006, “Chandra Observations of Open Cluster h Per,” Six Years of Science with Chandra, Cambridge, MA.,
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., and Donald A. Lubowich, 2005, “Low-frequency searches for deuterium absorption toward the Galactic center and other deuterium observations,” the Grote Reber Memorial Conference New Techniques and Results in Low Frequency Radio Astronomy, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, December 7-10, 2005
  • Lubowich, D. A., J. M. Pasachoff, H. R. Roberts, T. Millar, C. Henkel, and G. Brammer, 2006, “Deuterium in the Galactic Center: Evidence for a Cosmological Origin of D and the Infall of D Enriched Gas,” January 2006 Washington, DC, 207th AAS meeting, #217.03, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 38, #1, 186.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., B. A. Babcock, S. P. Souza, M. A. Bruck, P. W. Hess, S. B. Kimmel, J. S. Levitt, A. S. Steele, A. E. Tsykalova (Williams Col.), D. M. Rust, M. W. Noble (JHU/APL), R. Wittenmyer (U. Texas), J. Kern (LBTO, U. Az.), R. L. Hawkins (Appalachian State U.), J. H. Seiradakis, A. Voulgaris, G. Pistikoudis, J. Nestoras (Aristotle U. Thessaloniki), M. Demianski (U. Warsaw) 2006, “Coronal Observations at the 29 March 2006 Total Solar Eclipse,” June 2006 Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society (Durham, NH); Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 38, #2, 216 (abstract 1.07).
  • Westbrook, O. W., J. M. Pasachoff, K. Kozarev (Williams Col.) and J. Yee (KNAC/Swarthmore) 2006, “High-resolution observations of limb spicules from TRACE and SST,” Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society (Durham, NH); Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 38, #2, 221 (abstract 2.02).
  • Rust, D. M., M. W. Noble (JHU/APL), J. M. Pasachoff, B. A. Babcock, and M. A. Bruck (Williams College), and R. A. Wittenmyer (U. Texas), “Narrow-band Filter Observations of the Red-Line Corona at the 29 March 2006 Eclipse,” June 2006 Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society (Durham, NH); Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 38, #2, 217 (abstract 1.10).
  • Pasachoff, J. M., G. Schneider, and D. Kiselman, 2006, “Transit of Venus Observations from TRACE, Greece, and the Swedish Solar Telescope,” Working Group on the Transit of Venus, General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Prague.
  • Schneider, G., and J. M. Pasachoff, 2006, “Kepler-mission analog study using ACRIMSAT,” Working Group on the Transit of Venus, General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Prague.
  • Chandrasekhar, T., N. M. Ashok, B. G. A. Rao, J. M. Pasachoff, Terry-Ann Suer, 2006, “Fabry-Perot Interferometric Study of the Green Coronal line during the Total Eclipse of 2001 from Zambia, IAU XXVIIth General Assembly, Prague, Joint Discussion 3, Solar Active Regions and 3D Magnetic Structure, JD03-2, abstract p. 273.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., photographs relevant to James Clerk Maxwell: photograph taken in Cambridge, UK: cover photo, Am. J. Phys., 74, 4, April 2006; photograph of Maxwell’s apparatus relevant to Saturn’s rings, taken in the Cavendish Lab., Cambridge, UK: Am. J. Phys., 74, 5, May 2006, p. 403; Maxwell’s Cavendish experiment: Am. J. Phys., 74, 6, June 2006, p. 489; Maxwell’s dynamical top: Am. J. Phys., 74, 6, June 2006, p. 501; Maxwell’s device for inertia of current: Am. J. Phys., 74, 6, June 2006, p. 558.
  • Lubowich, Donald, Jay Pasachoff, Christian Henkel, Tom Millar, Helen Roberts, 2006, “Is Deuterium Cosmological?,” Nuclei in the Cosmos–IX, 25-30 June 2006, CERN, Geneva.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., B. A. Babcock, S. P. Souza, J. W. Gangestad, A. E. Jaskot, J. L. Elliot, A. A. S. Gulbis, M. J. Person, E. A. Kramer, E. R. Adams, C. A. Zuluaga, R. E. Pike, P. J. Francis, R. Lucas, A. S. Bosh, D. J. Ramm, J. G. Greenhill, A. B. Giles, and S. W. Dieters 2006, “A Search for Rings, Moons, or Debris in the Pluto System during the 2006 July 12 Occultation,” Pasadena Division of Planetary Sciences meeting, October 2006, abstract 25.02 in Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 38, #3, 523.
  • Gulbis, A. A. S., J. L. Elliot, M. J. Person, E. R. Adams, E. A. Kramer, C. A. Zuluaga, R. E. Pike (MIT), B. A. Babcock, J. W. Gangestad, A. E. Jaskot, J. M. Pasachoff, S. P. Souza (Williams College), P. J. Francis (ANU), R. Lucas (U. Sydney), A. S. Bosh (BU), D. J. Ramm (U. of Canterbury), J. G. Greenhill, A. B. Giles and S. W. Dieters (U. Tasmania) 2006, “Pluto’s atmospheric structure: results from the 2006 June 12 stellar occultation,” Pasadena Division of Planetary Sciences meeting, October 2006, abstract 31.01 in Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 38, #3, 541.
  • Elliot, J. L., Person, M. J., Gulbis, A. A. S., Adams, E. R., Kramer, E. A., Zuluaga, C. A., Pike, R. E. (MIT), Pasachoff, J. M., Souza, S. P., Babcock, B. A., Gangestad, J. W., Jaskot, A. E. (Williams College), Francis, P. J. (ANU), Lucas, R. (U. Sydney), Bosh, A. S. (BU) 2006, “The Size of Pluto’s Atmosphere As Revealed by the 2006 June 12 Occultation,” Pasadena Division of Planetary Sciences meeting, October 2006, abstract 31.02 in Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 38, #3, 541.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., and Megan Bruck, 2007, “High-spectral-resolution observations of the solar chromosphere and corona,” Honolulu Solar Physics Division meeting, Am. Astron. Soc., May 2007, abstract 95.07 in Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 39 (#1), 224.
  • Person, M. J., J. L. Elliot, A. A. S. Gulbis, C. A. Zuluaga (Mass. Inst. Tech.), B. A. Babcock, A. J. McKay, J. M. Pasachoff, S. P. Souza (Williams College), W. B. Hubbard, C. A. Kulesa, D. W. McCarthy, (U. of Arizona), S. D. Kern (STScI), S. E. Levine (USNO), A. S. Bosh (Lowell Obs.), E. V. Ryan, W. H. Ryan (MRO/NMT), A. Meyer, and J. Wolf (SOFIA), 2007, “Stellar Occultation by Pluto of P445.3 (2UCAC 25823784) on 2007 March 18 (UT),” IAU Circular 8825 as “(31340) Pluto.”
  • Gulbis, A. A. S., J. L. Elliot, M. J. Person, B. A. Babcock, Jay M. Pasachoff, S. P. Souza, and C. A. Zuluaga, 2007, “Recent Stellar Occultation Observations Using High-Speed, Portable Camera Systems,” High-Time Resolution Astrophysics Conference: The Universe at Sub-Second Timescales, Cambridge, UK, Sept. 11-13.
  • Gulbis, A. A. S., J. L. Elliot, J. M. Person, S. P. Souza, A. J. McKay, B. A. Babcock, and J. M. Pasachoff, 2007, “Electron-Multiplying CCD Imaging: Effectiveness for Stellar Occultations by Faint Objects,” Orlando Division of Planetary Sciences meeting, October 2007, presentation 34.08.
  • Ruffle, P., T. J. Millar, H. Roberts, D. A. Lubowich, C. Henkel, J. M. Pasachoff, and G. Brammer, 2007, “Molecular Line Observations and Chemical Modelling of Edge Cloud 2,” NRAO 50th Anniversary Science Symposium, Charlottesville, 18-21 June.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., B. A. Babcock, S. P. Souza, A. J. McKay, M. J. Person, J. L. Elliot, A. A. Gulbis, C. A. Zuluaga, J. M. Hill, E. V. Ryan, W. H. Ryan, 2007, “Observational Results from the 2007 March 18 Pluto Stellar Occultation,” Orlando Division of Planetary Sciences meeting, October 2007, presentation 62.03.
  • Person, Michael J., J. L. Elliot, A. A. Gulbis, C. A. Zuluaga, B. A. Babcock, J. M. Pasachoff, A. J. McKay, S. P. Souza, W. B. Hubbard, C. A. Kulesa, D. W. McCarthy, S. D. Kern, S. E. Levine, A. S. Bosh, E. V. Ryan, W. H. Ryan, A. Meyer, J. Wolf, J. M. Hill, 2007, “High Altitude Structure in Pluto’s Atmosphere from the 2007 March 18 Stellar Occultation,” Orlando Division of Planetary Sciences meeting, October 2007, presentation 52.14.
  • Jacobson, W. A., and J. M. Pasachoff, 2008, “Using SST and TRACE Observations to Test Spicule Models,” Solar Physics Division Meeting, Fort Lauderdale; Eos Trans. AGU, 89 (23) Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract SP43B-02.
  • Tingle, E. D., and J. M. Pasachoff, 2008, “Simultaneous SoHO and TRACE Observations of the Solar Atmosphere,” Solar Physics Division Meeting, Fort Lauderdale; Eos Trans. AGU, 89 (23) Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract SP31C-04.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., G. Schneider, R. C. Willson, 2008, “Total Solar Irradiance at the 2006 Transit of Mercury and Application to Transiting Exoplanet Observations,” Cornell DPS Meeting; abstract: Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 40, #3, 204.
  • Person, M. J., J. L. Elliot, J. M., Pasachoff, A. A. S. Gulbis, 2008, “Probing small bodies in the outer solar system with stellar occultations,” European Planetary Science Conference 2008, Münster.
  • Marc W. Buie, L. A. Young, E. F. Young, C. B. Olkin, D. Terrell, J. W. Parker, D. Stansberry, H. Reitsema, R. G. French, K. Shoemaker, M. E. Brown, E. L. Schaller, J. M. Bauer, J. W. Young, L. H. Wasserman, J. M. Pasachoff, S. P. Souza, B. Ryan, N. Lust, Y. R. Fernandez, J. A. Dellinger, P. G. A. Garossino, B. Grigsby, F. Mezzalira, and B. Dillon, 2008, “Pluto Stellar Occultation on 2008 Aug 25,” Cornell Division of Planetary Sciences Meeting; abstract: Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 41, #1, 562-563.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., B. A. Babcock, M. J. Freeman, K. M. DuPré, M. Demianski, A. Nesterenko, I. Nesterenko, G. Schneider, 2009, “Coronal Observations at the Siberian 2008 Total Solar Eclipse,” 213th meeting of the Am. Astron. Soc., Long Beach, #6003; Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 41, 1153.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Thomas Widemann, Bruno Sicardy, Tim Lister, David Tholen, Amanda A. S. Gulbis, and Elisabeth R. Adams, 2009, “Attempted Observations of the 2009 Occultation of a Star by Nix,” 214th meeting of the Am. Astron. Soc., Pasadena, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 41, #4, 1186.
  • Lubowich, D., and J. M. Pasachoff, 2010, “The Galactic Deuterium Gradient,” in Light Elements in the Universe,” I.A.U. Symposium 238, C. Charbonnel, M. Tosi, F. Primas, and C. Chiapinni, eds.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., J. L. Elliot (MIT), Steven P. Souza (Williams), Michael J. Person (MIT), Carlos Zuluaga (MIT), Amanda S. Bosh (MIT), Amanda M. Zangari (MIT), Rebecca Jensen-Clem (MIT), Matt Lockhart (MIT), Amanda A. S. Gulbis (SALT and MIT), Patricio Rojo (U. Chile), Muzhou Lu (Williams), Craig Malamut (KNAC; Wesleyan at Williams), Yung Hsien Ng_Tam (Williams), Stephen Levine (USNO), Kevin M. Ivarsen (UNC), Daniel E. Reichart (UNC), Aaron P. LaCluyze (UNC), Melissa C. Nysewander (UNC), Joshua B. Haislip (UNC), Rachel K. D. MacDonald (Yale), Charles D. Bailyn (Yale), David Rabinowitz (Yale), Marcelo Emilio (U Ponta Grossa), Emmanuël Jehin (U. Liège), Michael Gillon (U. Liège), J. Manfroid (U. Liège), V. Chantry (U. Liège), Pierre Magain (U. Liège), D. Hutsemekers (U. Liège), and Didier Queloz (Obs. Geneva), 2010, “The 3 / 4 July 2010 Pluto Stellar-Occultation Observations,” Pasadena meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., Michael E. Brown (Caltech), Michael J. Person (MIT), and Yung Hsien Ng Tam ’12 (Williams), 2010, “Pluto and Beyond: Stellar-Occultation Web Pages for Education and Observation Planning,” Pasadena meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society.
  • Person, Michael J., J. L. Elliot, A. S. Bosh, A. A. S. Gulbis, R. Jensen-Clem, M. F. Lockhart, A. M. Zangari, C. Zuluaga, S. E. Levine, J. M. Pasachoff, S. P. Souza, M. Lu, C. Malamut, P. Rojo, C. D. Bailyn, D. Rabinowitz, R. K. D. MacDonald, K. M. Ivarsen, D. E. Reichart, A. P. LaCluyze, M. C. Nysewander, J. B. Haislip, 2010, “Pluto’s Atmosphere from the July 2010 Stellar Occultation,” Pasadena meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society.
  • Elliot, J. L. (MIT &Lowell Obs.), M. J. Person (MIT), C. A. Zuluaga (MIT), A. S. Bosh (MIT), E. R. Adams (MIT), T. C. Brothers (MIT), A. A. S. Gulbis (MIT & SALT), S. E. Levine (MIT, AAVSO & Lowell Obs.), M. Lockhart (MIT), A. M. Zangari (MIT), B. A. Babcock (Williams), K. DuPré ’10 (Williams), J. M. Pasachoff (MIT), S. P. Souza (MIT), W. Rosing (Las Cumbres Obs.), and N. Secrest (U. of Hawaii), 2010, “Size and albedo of Kuiper belt object 55636,” Pasadena meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society.

Recent Popular Articles

  • —–, 1992, “The Darkness That Enlightens,” National Geographic 181, #5, May, 36-37.
  • —–, 1992, “The Solar Gamma-Ray Afterglow,” Physics News in 1992 (Amer. Inst. of Physics)
  • —–, 1993, “Probing the Solar Enigma,” Swissair Gazette, 1/93, 14-25.
  • Malin, D. F., and —– 1993, “Rediscovering the Color of the Crab Nebula,” Sky & Telescope 86, #1 (July), 43-46.
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  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2005, “The Astronomical Unit,” letter in The Physics Teacher, 43, 69 (February).
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2007, “An Eclipse-chaser’s Mad Dash,” Sept. 12,
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  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2009, podcast: about the annular eclipse of January 15
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2010, “Solar Eclipse in India,” blog: (pending).
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2010, podcast: about the total eclipse of July 11

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  • —– [triennial National Reports for Commission 46, 1979–1988]
  • —– 1991, “Astronomy Education in the United States,” National Report for Commission 46 (Teaching of Astronomy) of the IAU, Commission 46 Newsletter, No. 31, April 1991, pp. 51-52.
  • —– and Naomi Pasachoff 1991, “L—– 1991, “Contemporary Astronomy in Courses,” delivered at the International Astronomical Union, Commission 46: Teaching of Astronomy, Buenos Aires. Snider, Joseph L., K. Bracher, J. Briggs, M. Mickelson, W. Mitchell, Jr.,
  • —–, H. Snodgrass, and S. Yorka. 1991, “The CUREA 1992 Summer Program in Astrophysics at Mt. Wilson Observatory,” delivered at the 179th AAS, Atlanta, January; Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 23, #4, 1437.
  • —–, ed., 1992, Proceedings of the Keck Symposium on Undergraduate Research.
  • —– 1994, “Astronomy Education in the United States: U.S. National Report for Commission 46 (Teaching of Astronomy) of the IAU, for I.A.U. Commission 46 Newsletter, No. 37, November 1993, pp. 25-27.
  • —– 1994, “Curriculum Reform Projects and their Effect on Astronomy,” Washington A.A.S.; Bull. A.A.S. 25, #4, 1389 (1993).
  • —– 1994, “Textbooks and Electronic Media,” delivered at Joint Discussion 4 of I.A.U. General Assembly at The Hague, “Current Developments in Astronomy Education”; published in proceedings, J. R. Percy, ed., pp. 170-72.
  • —– 1995, “Textbooks and Electronic Media,” delivered at A.S.P. Education Meeting, College Park; proceedings in press, J. R. Percy, ed.; also, various comments, especially on National Standards.
  • —– 1997, “Astronomy Education in the United States: U.S. National Report for Commission 46 of the International Astronomical Union, for IAU Commission 46 Newsletter.
  • —– 1996, “Solar Eclipses as a Vehicle for International Astronomy Education,” in Z. Mouradian and M. Stavinschi, Theoretical and Observational Problems Relating to Solar Eclipses, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Sinaia, Romania; 1997, Kluwer Publ., 249-255.
  • —– 1996, “Use of the World Wide Web in Astronomy Teaching,” in L. Gouguenheim, D. McNally, and J. R. Percy, eds., New Trends in Astronomy Teaching, IAU Colloquium 162 (London), published 1998, pp. 68-73.
  • —– 1996, “Public Education and Solar Eclipses,” in L. Gouguenheim, D. McNally, and J. R. Percy, eds., New Trends in Astronomy Teaching, IAU Colloquium 162 (London), published 1998, pp. 202-204.
  • —– 1997, “Pitfalls in the Science Standards,” delivered at the Washington, D.C., A.P.S. meeting, April, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 42, 1121.
  • —– 1997, “Hubble ‘worth the price,'” Nature, June 19.
  • —– 1998, “Astronomy and the New National Science Education Standards,” Forum on Education of the American Physical Society Newsletter, Spring 2998, pp. 13-14; also printed in the Newsletter of the American Astronomical Society.
  • —– 1999, “Spacecraft Exploring the Solar System: An Overview,” delivered at the General Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Anaheim, January; abstract in Challenges for a New Century, pp. S-33 and A-41.
  • —–, 1998, “Williams College’s Hopkins Observatory: The Oldest Extant Observatory in the United States,” Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 1 (1), 61-78.
  • —– 2002, “What Should College Students Learn? Phases and Seasons? Is Less More or Is Less Less?” Astronomy Education Review, 1.
  • —– 2000, “Fabulous Planetariums in Valencia and New York,” Newsletter of Commission 46 on the Teaching of Astronomy of the International Astronomical Union, #52, March, pp. 3-4.
  • —– 2001, “On Teaching Introductory Astronomy,” The Physics Teacher 39, 198.
  • —– 2001, “What Should Students Learn?” The Physics Teacher 39, September, 18-19. Also, 2002, “Pasachoff’s Points,” letter, The Physics Teacher 40, April, 196-198.
  • —– 2001, “Public Education in Developing Countries on the Occasions of Eclipses,” in Astronomy for Developing Countries, IAU special session at the 24th General Assembly, Alan H. Batten, ed., Astronomical Society of the Pacific, pp. 101-106, ISBN 1-58381-067-6; additional comments on pp. 139-140, 338-339.
  • —– 2002, “The Role of Research in an Astronomy or Astrophysics Major,” in the special session on The Undergraduate Astronomy Major: What and Why? held at the 199th AAS meeting, Washington, DC, January 2002, #154.04.
  • —– 2002, “Astronomy Textbooks,” proceedings of Communicating Astronomy, held at Astrophysical Institute of the Canary Islands, 2002.
  • Pasachoff, J. M. 2003, “Textbooks for K-12 Astronomy,” IAU02014, presented at the Special Session on Effective Teaching and Learning of Astronomy, Sydney General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, abstract #2035, p. 281.
  • —– 2004, “The Value of the Great Observatories’ Educational Programs, “AAS Atlanta, January 2004, 107.01
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2004, “Textbooks for K-12 Astronomy,” Highlights of Astronomy 13 (O. Engvold, ed.), 1048-1050 Highlights of Astronomy 13 (O. Engvold, ed.), 1048-1050.
  • Percy, John R., and Jay M. Pasachoff, eds., 2004, Special Session 4: Effective Teaching and Learning of Astronomy, Highlights of Astronomy 13 (O. Engvold, ed.), 1017-1072.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2004, “IAU Education Programs,” in European Astronomical Society Newsletter, issue 28 (December), 4-5;
  • [Nicole Shea, piece about JMP in the “Gold Edition” of National Geographic, which circulated only to certain ZIP codes: in Geographica, “Sun Spectacle: A Polar View: Antarctic flight intercepts path of total eclipse.” National Geographic, July 2004, vol. 206, number 1. It is in the frontmatter, 8 pages before the interview with astronaut Harrison Schmitt and 7 pages after the Geographica piece on “The Geography of Everyday Life.”]
  • Pasachoff, J. M., 2005, “Astronomy Education Research,” letter in Am. J. Physics 73 (11), November, 997.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., 2005, “Think Tank: Astronomy,” Discover 26, No. 6, June 2005, 70.
  • Percy, J. R., and J. M. Pasachoff, 2004, “Teaching and Learning Astronomy: Effective Strategies for Educators Worldwide,” for a joint meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the American Association of Variable Star Observers, the Astronomical League, and the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ASP/AAVSO/AL/ALPO).
  • Pasachoff, J. M. 2006, “Education Efforts of the International Astronomical Union,” Special Session 2 on Innovation in Teaching/ Astronomy, General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Prague, #937; printed in Innovation in Teaching and Learning Astronomy, Jay M. Pasachoff, Rosa M. Ros, and Naomi Pasachoff, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2008). pp. 70-74.
  • Pasachoff, J. M. 2006, “Observing Solar Eclipses in the Developing World,” Special Session 5 on Astronomy Education in the Developing World, General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Prague, #938.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., and R. M. Ros 2006, “Main Objectives for this I.A.U. Special Session on Innovation in Teaching/Learning Astronomy,” Special Session 2 on Innovation in Teaching/Learning Astronomy, General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Prague. #1174; ; printed in Innovation in Teaching and Learning Astronomy, Jay M. Pasachoff, Rosa M. Ros, and Naomi Pasachoff, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2008).
  • Pasachoff, J. M., T.-A. Suer, D. A. Lubowich, and T. Glaisyer 2006, “Cosmic Deuterium and Social Networking Software,” Special Session 2 on Innovation in Teaching/Learning Astronomy, General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Prague. #1283; printed in Innovation in Teaching and Learning Astronomy, Jay M. Pasachoff, Rosa M. Ros, and Naomi Pasachoff, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2008), pp. 128-131.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., 2006, “Education Efforts of the International Astronomical Union,” 10th European Association for Astronomy Education Summer School, La Palma,
  • Pasachoff, J. M., 2007, “Observing solar eclipses in the developing world,” in Astronomy in the Developing World, Proceedings of IAU Special Session 5, J. B. Hearnshaw and P. Martinez, eds., Cambridge University Press, 265-268.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2008, “Chromosphere and Corona for Research and Education,” in Proceedings of the First Middle East-Africa IAU Meeting (MEARIM).
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2009, “Solar Eclipses and the International Year of Astronomy,” 214th meeting of the Am. Astron. Soc., Pasadena, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 42.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2009, “Solar Eclipses in Education and Research,” Mathematics and Astronomy: A Long Journey Together, Madrid, November. Pasachoff, Jay M., 2009, “Transits of Mercury and Venus and their implication for exoplanet transits and the Kepler Mission,” Adventures in Teaching Astronomy, EAAE-IAU (European Association for Astronomy Education – International Astronomical Union) Course on Astronomy Education, Madrid, Rosa M. Ros, ed., November, p. 23.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2009, “Astronomy Education in the United States,” Newsletter #70 of the International Astronomical Union’s Commission on Education and Development;

Teaching Articles

  • —– 1975, “Radio Recombination Lines, Quantum Numbers and Rydberg’s Constant,” Am. Journal of Physics 43, 192.
  • —– 1983, “Space Astronomy on Videodisks,” Sky & Telescope 65, 32.
  • —– 1989, “Teaching about the Planets at (Large) Scale,” The Physics Teacher 27, 38.
  • —– 2002, “What Should College Students Learn? Phases and Seasons? Is Less More or Is Less Less?” Astronomy Education Review, 1, issue 1, 124-130.
  • —– 2003, ” What Should Students Learn? Stellar Magnitudes?” Astronomy Education Review, 2, issue 4.
  • —– 2004, “The Bohr Staircase,” The Physics Teacher, 42, January, 38-39.
  • Pasachoff, J. M., 2004, “What to teach? What is learned? Astronomy as an amalgam of old and new,” for JENAM (Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting), Grenada, in Teaching and Communicating Astronomy–JENAM’04, A. Ortiz-Gil and V. Martínez, eds., EAS Publications Series, 16 (2005), 137-142.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2005, “Repeated universes in the AJP statistics literature,” about the proper use of least-squares with two-axis uncertainties, Am. J. Phys. 73, 199.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., 2010, “Second Chances for Students,” letter, The Physics Teacher, April, 212.

Historical and art-historical articles

  • —– and R. J. M. Olson, 1986, “Historical Studies of Halley’s and Other Comets via Artists’ Depictions,” 18th Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Paris, France; abstract in Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 1986, 18, No. 3, 792.
  • Rafael Fernandez, —–, and Robert Volz, Urania Observed, An Exhibition of Works of Art with Astronomical Content, mounted at the Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, 1988; catalogue appeared in The Teaching of Astronomy, Jay M. Pasachoff and John Percy, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1990.
  • —– and Roberta J. M. Olson 1988, “Historical Comets of the ‘Nuremberg Chronicle,'” Boston A.A.S., 1989; abstract in Bull. A.A.S., 20, 991.
  • Olson, R. J. M. O., and —– 1989, “Comets of the Nuremberg Chronicle and Broadsides,” Invited Lecture at ESA/IAU Symposium on Comets in the Post-Halley Era, Bamberg, West Germany, May 1989.
  • Olson, R. J. M., and —– 1986, “New Information on Comet Halley as Depicted by Giotto di Bondone and Other Western Artists,” in Exploration of Halley’s Comet, M. Grewing, F. Praderie, and R. Reinhard, Eds., (Springer-Verlag), pp. 1-11; from Proceedings of the 20th ESLAB Symposium on the Exploration of Halley’s Comet, vol. 3, European Space Agency, Dordrecht–Holland, pp. 201-213; revised version in Astronomy and Astrophysics 187, 1-11 (1987).
  • Olson, R. J. M., and —– 1989, “Historical Comets over Bavaria:The Nuremberg Chronicle and Broadsides,” in Comets in the Post-Halley Era , Proceedings of International Astronomical Union Symposium #116 (Dordrecht, Holland/Boston/London: Kluwer), pp. 1309-1341.
  • Olson, R. J. M., and —– 1989, “Is Comet P/Halley of 684 Recorded in the Nuremberg Chronicle?” J. Hist. Astron. 20, 171-174.
  • Olson, Roberta J. M. O., and —– 1992, “The 1816 Solar Eclipse and Comet 1811 I in John Linnell’s Astronomical Album,” J. Hist. Astron. 23, 121-133.
  • —– and Roberta J. M. Olson 1995, “Comets and meteors in 18th and 19th century British art and science,” Physics Education (Institute of Physics, Britain), 30, (3), 156-162.
  • Olson, Roberta J. M. O., and —– 1998, “Fire in the Sky: Comets and Meteors, the Decisive Centuries, in British Art and Science” (Cambridge University Press).
  • —– and R. J. M. Olson, 1999, “Comets and meteors in art and science in early Renaissance Italy,” AAS Division of Planetary Sciences meeting, Padua, Italy, invited paper.
  • —– 1999, “Halley’s Maps and Descriptions of the 1715 Total Solar Eclipse,” delivered at the History of Astronomy Division meeting as part of the 194th AAS meeting in Chicago, June.
  • —–, 1999, “Halley and his maps of the total eclipses of 1715 and 1724,” Astronomy & Geophysics (Royal Astronomical Society), 40, 18-22, April.
  • —–, 1999, “Halley as an eclipse pioneer: his maps and observations of the total solar eclipses of 1715 and 1724,” Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 2(1), 39-54, June.
  • Olson, R. J. M., and —– 1999, “Durer’s Bolide,” Apollo, November, p. 58.
  • Olson, R. J. M., and —– 2000, “Comets and Altdorfer’s Art,” Art Bulletin, 83, #3, unpaginated following p. 599.
  • Olson, R. J. M., and —– 2001, “Moon-Struck: Artists Rediscover Nature and Observe,” Earth, Moon and Planets 85/86:303-341. Paper delivered at Earth-Moon Relationships, the 400th Anniversary Conference of the Galilean Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts, Padua, Italy, 2000. Published as a book by that name by Kluwer, C. Barbieri and F. Rampazzi, eds., 2001, 303-341, with color versions of #1-9, 14-18, 20-22, and 24 on a CD-ROM.
  • Olson, R. J. M., and —– 2001, “Meteoritics and Visual Metaphors,” invited paper for the September 2001 meeting of the Meteoritic Society, Rome.
  • Olson, R. J. M., and —– 2002, “Comets, meteors, and eclipses: Art and science in early Renaissance Italy,” Meteoritics 37, November 2002.
  • Kilburn, Kevin J., —–, and Owen Gingerich 2003, “The Forgotten Star Atlas,” Journal for the History of Astronomy xxxiv, 125-144.
  • Olson, Roberta J. M., and —– 2004, “Astronomy at the Medici Courts: Art and Science in the Family’s Service,” Symposium on East-West Innovations and Early Modern Court Culture, 92nd Annual Conference of the College Art Association, Symposium on East-West Innovations and Early Modern Court Culture, Seattle.
  • Olson, Roberta J. M., and Jay M. Pasachoff, 2007, “St. Benedict Sees the Light: Asam’s Solar Eclipses as a Metaphor,” Religion and the Arts 11, 299-329. ( Also
  • Olson, Roberta J. M., and Jay M. Pasachoff, 2008, “Comets, Charisma, and Celebrity: Reflections on Their Deep Impact,” in Deep Impact as a World Observatory Event: Synergies in Space, Time, and Wavelength, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer; 2008: 10.1007/978-3-540-76959-0_5
  • Olson, Roberta J. M., and Jay M. Pasachoff, 2009, “Blinded by the Light: Solar Eclipses in Art—Science, Symbolism, and Spectacle,” 6th meeting on The Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena, Venice.
  • Olson, Roberta J. M., and Jay M. Pasachoff, 2010, “The Comets of Caroline Herschel, Sleuth of the Skies at Slough,” 7th meeting on The Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena, Bath, UK.
  • Pasachoff, Jay M., and Terry-Ann Suer, 2010, “The Origin and Diffusion of the H and K Notation,” Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 13 (2), 121-127.