
Peer-reviewed research articles

Activation of oxytocinergic neurons enhances torpor in mice. Hare MT, Carter ME, Swoap SJ. Journal of Comparative Physiology (2023). PDF

Molecular and anatomical characterization of parabrachial neurons and their axonal projections. Pauli JL, Chen JY, Basiri ML, Park S, Carter ME, Sanz E, McKnight GS, Stuber GD, Palmiter RD. eLife 11:e81868 (2023). PDF

A discrete parasubthalamic nucleus subpopulation plays a critical role in appetite suppression. Kim JH, Kromm GH, Barnhill OK, Sperber J, Heuer LB, Loomis S, Newman MC, Han K, Gulamali FF, Legan TB, Jensen KE, Funderburk SC, Krashes MJ, Carter ME. eLife 11:e75470 (2022). PDF

Hypothalamic neurons that regulate feeding can influence sleep/wake states based on homeostatic need. Goldstein N, Levine BJ, Loy KA, Duke WL, Meyerson OS, Jamnik AA, Carter ME. Current Biology 28(33):3736-3747 (2018). PDF

Identification of discrete, intermingled hypocretin neuronal populations. Iyer M, Essner RA, Klingenberg B, Carter ME. Journal of Comparative Neurology 526(18):2937-2954 (2018). PDF

AgRP neurons can increase food intake during conditions of appetite suppression and inhibit anorexigenic parabrachial neurons. Essner RA, Smith AG, Jamnik AA, Ryba AR, Trutner ZD, Carter ME. Journal of Neuroscience 37(36):8678-8687 (2017). PDF


Review articles, perspectives, and book chapters

Neuroethology: Regulation of pre-sleep behaviors. Carter MECurrent Biology 32(4):R160-162 (2022). PDF

A circuit perspective on narcolepsy. Adamantidis AR, Schmidt MH, Carter ME, Burdakov D, Peyron C, Scammell TE. Sleep 43:5 (2020). PDF

POMC neurons in heat: A link between warm temperatures and appetite suppression. Vicent MA, Mook CL, Carter ME. PLoS Biology 16(5):e2006188 (2018). PDF

Understanding how discrete populations of hypothalamic neurons orchestrate complicated behavioral states. Graebner AK, Iyer M, Carter ME. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 9:111 (2015). PDF


Selected articles from work prior to 2013 (before Williams College) 

Parabrachial calcitonin gene-related peptide neurons mediate conditioned taste aversion. Carter ME, Han S, Palmiter RD. Journal of Neuroscience 35(11):4582-4586 (2015). PDF

Antagonistic interplay between hypocretin and leptin in the lateral hypothalamus regulates stress responses. Bonnavion P, Jackson AC, Carter MEde Lecea L. Nature Communications 6:6266 (2015). PDF

Genetic identification of a neural circuit that suppresses appetite. Carter ME, Soden ME, Zweifel LS, Palmiter RD. Nature 503(7474):111-114 (2013). PDF

Mechanism for hypocretin-mediated sleep-to-wake transitions. Carter MEBrill J, Bonnavion P, Huguenard JR, Huerta R, de Lecea L. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(39):E2635-2644 (2012). PDF

Optogenetic disruption of sleep continuity impairs memory consolidation. Rolls A, Colas D, Adamantidis A, Carter ME, Lanre-Amos T, Heller HC, de Lecea L. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(32):13305-13310 (2011). PDF

Development of echolocation and communication vocalizations in the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscusMonroy JA, Carter MEMiller KE, Covey E. Journal of Comparative Physiology 197:459-467 (2011). PDF

Tuning arousal with optogenetic modulation of locus coeruleus neurons. Carter MEYizhard O, Chikahisa S, Nguyen H, Adamantidis A, Nishino S, Deisseroth K, de Lecea L. Nature Neuroscience 13(12):1526-1533 (2010). PDF

Sleep homeostasis modulates hypocretin-mediated sleep-to-wake transitions. Carter MEAdamantidis A, Ohtsu H, Deisseroth K, de Lecea L. Journal of Neuroscience 29(35):10939-10949 (2009). PDF