
Courses taught at Williams College:

NSCI 201: Neuroscience. Course Objectives: To learn the fundamental concepts of neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and neural circuits in vertebrate organisms; to learn the methods and logic by which scientists study the nervous system and to propose experiments to answer open questions; to gain skills performing neuroscience experiments in histology, neurophysiological recordings, and analysis of behavior. 

BIOL 205: Physiology. Course Objectives: To learn the fundamental mechanisms by which animals regulate their internal environments and maintain homeostasis; to practice testing hypotheses by performing physiological experiments and analyzing quantitative data using statistics; to gain writing skills by writing formal laboratory reports and clear descriptions of physiological mechanisms; to experience and practice scientific peer review of written work. 

BIOL 311: Neural Systems and Circuits. Course Objectives: To learn the major neural systems that regulate sensory, motor, homeostatic, and cognitive brain functions in mammals; to read and synthesize cutting-edge papers in systems neuroscience; to perform an independent research project using systems neuroscience techniques; to gain writing skills by writing an original literature review; to experience and practice scientific peer review of manuscripts.

BIOL 412: Neural and Hormonal Basis of Hunger. Course Objectives: To learn the neural and hormonal systems that regulate appetite in mammals by reading the primary literature; to develop skills in critically reading, analyzing, and discussing primary literature; to design original scientific experiments to solve open scientific problems; to gain skills in scientific writing and anonymous peer review.

NSCI 401: Topics in Neuroscience. Course Objectives: To understand, discuss, and critique contemporary papers in neuroscience; to design and communicate scientific experiments; to experience and practice scientific peer review of research proposals.