
Current students

  • Lila Goldstein ’26
  • Soraya Katsev ’26
  • Betsy Moffett ’26
  • Clara Pollack ’26

Lab alumni

Thesis students:

  • Alyana Granados (2022-23): “Anatomical and functional connectivity between agouti-related peptide (AgRP)-expressing neurons and the parasubthalamic nucleus (PSTN).” 
  • Madiha Irshad (2022-23): “Investigating POMC neuron firing patterns during sleep and wakefulness in sated mice.”
  • Zoe Kaegi (2022-23): “Noxious predator odorants cause activation of appetite-suppressing parasubthalamic nucleus (PSTN) neurons.”
  • Maxwell Song (2022-23): “Characterizatino of AgRP neural activity across sleep state transitions in food-deprived mice.”
  • Faris Gulamali (2020-21): “Characterization of AgRP neuron activity across the sleep/wake cycle in food-deprived mice.”
  • Kenny Han (2020-21): “Real-time characterization of tachykinin-1- (Tac1)-expressing neuron activity in the parasubthalamic nucleus based on food accessibility.”
  • Sarah Willwerth (2020-21): “The effect of sleep on agouti-related peptide (AgRP) neural activity.”
  • Lauren Heuer (2019-20): “Anatomical characterization of the parasubthalamic nucleus (PSTN).”
  • Grace Kromm (2019-20): “Functional characterization of tachykinin-1-expressing neurons in the parasubthalamic nucleus in appetite suppression.”
  • Sierra Loomis (2019-20): “Stimulation and mapping of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons in the parasubthalamic nucleus (PSTN).”
  • Matt Newman (2019-20): “Exploring the effects of inhibiting the parasubthalamic nucleus (PSTN) on food intake in mice.”
  • Max Stukalin (2019-20): “Characterization of AgRP neural activity across the sleep/wake cycle in sated mice.”
  • Olivia Barnhill (2018-19): “Tachykinin-1-neurons in the parasubthalamic nucleus (PSTN) suppress appetite.”
  • Erin Cohn (2018-19): “Asprosin administration during the inactive period increases wakefulness.”
  • Kene Odenigbo (2018-19): “Asprosin administration blunts torpor bouts in mice.”
  • Heidi Halvorsen (2017-18): “Hypothalamic neurons that regulate food intake and energy homeostasis are active during torpor.”
  • Jacob Sperber (2017-18): “Characterization of the parasubthalamic nucleus as an appetite suppression center.”
  • Maria Vicent (2016-17): “Optogenetic stimulation of AgRP neurons lengthens and deepens torpor in mice.”
  • Will Duke (2016-17): “Food restriction is sufficient to increase wakefulness and decrease the quality of sleep.”
  • Sara Lehman (2016-17): “Paraventricular TRH neurons respond to cold exposure but stimulation is not sufficient to increase body temperature.”
  • Rachel O’Sullivan (2016-17): “Stimulation of paraventricular hypothalamic TRH neurons is insufficient to increase metabolic function.”
  • Rachel Essner (2015-16): “Stimulation of AgRP neurons eliminates the effects of appetite suppressing compounds.”
  • Brian Levine (2015-16): “AgRP neuron stimulation is sufficient to decrease the quantity and quality of sleep in the absence of peripheral hunger cues.”
  • Conor Mook (2015-16): “Stimulation of hypothalamic AgRP or POMC neurons deepens and lengthens torpor in mice.”
  • Nitsan Goldstein (2014-15): “AgRP neuron stimulation during wakefulness decreases REM sleep during subsequent sleep.”
  • Kelsey Loy (2014-15): “AgRP neuron stimulation during sleep increases sleep fragmentation and decreases REM sleep.”
  • Alison Smith (2014-15): “The effects of AgRP neuron stimulation on food intake during appetite suppression.”
  • Allison Graebner (2013-14): “Mapping the relevant downstream projections from the organum vasculosum of the laminae terminalis (OVLT).”
  • Manasi Iyer (2013-14): “Identification of discrete, intermingled hypocretin (Hcrt) neuronal subpopulations.”

Summer / Independent study / Research assistants:

  • Molly Blakslee (Research Assistant, Spring 2023)
  • Katie McKenna (Research Assistant, Spring 2023)
  • Brennan Lee (Summer 2020)
  • Sarah Willwerth (Summer 2020)
  • Jake Bingaman (Summer 2019)
  • Grace Kromm (Summer 2019)
  • Sierra Loomis (Summer 2019)
  • Max Stukalin (Summer 2019)
  • Kenny Han (Summer 2018; Research Assistant, Spring 2018–Spring 2020)
  • Jessica Kim (Independent Study, Fall 2018–Spring 2019; Research Technician, Fall 2019-Spring 2020)
  • Faris Gulamali (Research Assistant, Spring 2018–Spring 2020)
  • Olivia Barnhill (Summer 2018)
  • Erin Cohn (Summer 2018)
  • Kene Odenigbo (Summer 2018)
  • Jack Page (Independent Study, Spring 2018)
  • Jordan Lipson (Research Technician, Fall 2017-Spring 2018)
  • Theresa Legan (Research Assistant, Fall 2014-Spring 2017)
  • Heidi Halvorsen (Independent Study, Fall 2016 and Spring 2017)
  • Adam Jamnik (Independent Study, Fall 2016 and Spring 2017)
  • Natalie Bernstein (Independent Study, Fall 2015 and Spring 2016)
  • Olivia Meyerson (Independent Study, Fall 2015 and Spring 2016)
  • Will Duke (Summer 2016)
  • Rachel Essner (Summer 2015)
  • Brian Levine (Summer 2015)
  • Conor Mook (Summer 2015)
  • Anna Ryba (Summer 2014)
  • Zoe Trutner (Summer 2014)