
Let’s Get to Know Each Other.

Our holistic application includes an interview component. To best prepare for it, review the information provided here. Don’t sweat it — we know you’ll do great.

What’s the interview like?

Part 1

Invitation to Interview
Starting September 26, 2021 (early), or October 31, 2020 (final), candidates will receive an email with an invitation to schedule an interview with an AFLT member. The email will include a Calendly link to schedule a virtual interview.

Part 2

Within One Week
Candidates must schedule their interview within one week of receiving an invitation. Note that this does not mean the interview itself needs to occur within one week; but rather, candidates should navigate to the Calendly link and pick an interview time within one week.

Early candidates must complete their interviews by 10/10.
Final candidates must complete their interviews by 11/14.

Part 3

Confirm Details
The AFLT member will begin the interview by confirming some details and will ask candidates to share more about their time commitment and availability. The interviewer will also talk a little more about our training and certification process.

Part 4

Open-Ended Questions
Like any good interview, the Matriculate Advising Fellow interview includes open-ended questions. The AFLT member may also ask some questions specific to a candidate’s application. Candidates should feel free to reference and/or expand on the answers they wrote in their applications at any time.

Part 5

Role-Play Scenario
Candidates can also expect to participate in a quick role-play scenario, similar to the situation presented in the application.

Part 6

After the conclusion of the role-play scenario, the AFLT member may give candidates some feedback after the scenario, as a reflection of Matriculate’s philosophy. Rest assured that candidates will not be scored negatively based on the constructive feedback an AFLT member gives (if any). The AFLT member may also choose to run this scenario again, after providing a candidate with feedback.

Part 7

Open Discussion
After the scenario is completed, the AFLT member will allow candidates some time to ask them any questions about Matriculate.

Part 8

Committee Evaluation
Candidate responses, along with their applications, will be reviewed holistically to make a decision.

Part 9

Candidates will be notified of the committee decision as early as October 20, 2021 (early), or December 3, 2021 (final).

Part 10

If you have questions about the interview process or just questions in general, reach out to the AFLT member who will be conducting your interview. If you don’t know who that is, feel free to contact the HAF.