AF Events

Internal Resource Warning

The resources on this page are intended for use by Williams Matriculate 2022 AFs. Dissemination of resources on this page must be approved by a HAF, CL, or AFLT member.

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April All-Fellowship Meeting

Hi AFs!
We hope you’ve all been doing well and are looking forward to the health days this week. We are following up with details from the April All-Fellowship Meeting. To recap, here’s what we covered:

  • Cohort Onboarding Check-In, Stats, and Pairing Reminders
  • Session Summaries: Purpose, Expectations, Examples, and Communication
  • Summer Advising Activity
  • Expectations for Summer Advising

There is no recording for this meeting. Those of you who missed the meeting should review the slidedeck and the summer advising activity. Then, complete the check for understanding. We expect AFs to complete these steps by next Saturday 4/24 at 11:59 pm EST. Let us know if you have any questions! Thank you all!

March All-Fellowship Meeting

Slidedeck and Recording

For those of you who want to review the recording, you can access it here. You can also find the slidedeck here.
If you missed the AFM — all of it, or a part of it — watch the recording. Then, complete the attendance form here. Check the “Makeup” box and complete the quick check for understanding. We expect AFs to complete these steps by next Sunday, March 4.
Let us know if you have any questions! Thank you all!


To recap, here are the resources we shared:

AF Live Training Day 2

Slidedeck and Recording

Thank you to all the AFs who attended Live Training Day 2. For those of you who have not, please view the recording accessible here. We also encourage all of you to take some time to peruse through the Slidedeck, available here, and familiarize yourself with all of the information. Let us know if you have any questions.


AF Kickoff

Slidedeck and Recording

Thank you to all the AFs who were able to attend the Kickoff Gathering. For those of you who have not, please view the recording accessible here. We also encourage all of you to take some time to peruse through the Slidedeck, available here, and familiarize yourself with all of the information. Let us know if you have any questions.


Property Warning

The resources on this page are considered the property of Williams Matriculate 2022 and are only intended for use by approved members.