Troubles on Tinder

During my freshman year, I decided to make a Tinder profile. I was in my room bored as usual, and I thought that Tinder would add some excitement to my life. I was intrigued by the satisfaction of matching with a complete stranger. I was hoping for great conversations, butterflies, new experiences, and A-1 flirting. I wanted the rush of excitement that came with each notification that someone liked me. It was a quantitative Meme: You get a message and you get a message. EVERY GIRL GETS A MESSAGEreminder that someone was crushing on me.

Prior to Tinder, my only experience with dating was weak DMs and noncommital boys at my high school that wanted me to fix them. Also, I was a permanent resident of the friend zone. Because my parents worked at my high school, the dating pool was slim. Everyone was either dumb, childish, intimidated or scared of my family. I believed that college would allow me to engage with a different caliber of  Black men. I was mistaken.

Dating has always been difficult for me. As a black plus size woman, the dating poll is basically non-existent at school. Ideally, I would love to date a black man. However, the black men left were looking for a woman like me.  Because the “scarcity of eligible Black men may drive [Black women] to date outside of their race”, I knew that I had to alter my dating expectations (Wilson 965).

My friend overheard that a black man was “saving” a beautiful black woman for later. What does that F does that mean?Shocked Francesca Ramsey

Because my awkwardness made me oblivious to recognizing that someone had a crush on me, I went to Tinder. I wanted to avoid the middle stage of acknowledging that we found each other attractive.

My profile was perfect. I had glamor shots, tasteful selfies, and goofy pictures of me that highlighted my AWESOME. I laid everything out on the table. In efforts to control my virtual image, I made sure that I had pictures with varying hairstyles and representations of my whole body. Unfortunately, our virtual images “are limited by the already circumscribed power relation of [real life]” (Sharpe 1093). I wanted to know that whoever swiped right understood my unapologetic blackness and my comfort with my body. I had to understand that “it is not simply that we can be more honest about race issues on the Internet because we are not accountable but that the personas we create (even if they begin as ‘us’) start to take on lives of their own in relation to those whom they encounter” (Sharpe 1094). I cannot control how one would interpret my Tinder profile. However, I do have the ability to fashion a profile that would attract people who would appreciate me for me.

Unfortunately, Tinder was a waste of time. I wished that someone would have slapped the dogshit out of me when I made the account. I went to Tinder for the answers to what I wanted in a relationship. I wanted to live within the illusion of dating freedom and unlimited options. I would have conversations with men from all racial backgrounds. The conversation topics would be as bland as do you have siblings to extremely vulgar and unprovokedly sexual. There were a few nice guys who asked to meet up, however, it is hard to trust someone’s online presence. I know that I crafted my best self, so it is only reasonable for someone else to do the same.

However, Tinder has taught me three crucial facts: 1) The match notification bell is just annoying, 2) Stimulating conversation is RARE, and 3) ALL OF THE MEN ARE UGLY IN THE ZIP CODE OF 01267.

But does this stop me from swiping                                     No.

Sadly, I feel like if I stop my option will decrease.



Structrual Analysis for I, Robot

Part 1:

Sequence 1: The Three Laws. Chicago 2035. Introduction to Det. Del Spooner with a Shower and a Workout scene. Introduction to the new NS-5 model.

Sequence 2: The Chase with Det. Spooner and the Helper Robot. The suicide of Dr. Lanning at U.S. Robotics. Det. Spooner, a homicide detective, is called in by a hologram of Dr. Lanning to investigate the crime.

Sequence 3: Dr. Calvin meets Det. Spooner. The discovery of a rouge NS-5 robot inside the lab. Spooner pursues the rouge NS-5 on his own, and he captures the robot. The NS-5 robot throws Spooner across the NS-5 warehouse and states “What Am I.”

Sequence 4: Introduction to Sonny, the NS-5 robot who is capable of human emotion.  Spooner interrogates Sonny for the murder of Dr. Lanning. Spooner is instructed to stop his investigation by Lt. John Bergin and Lawrence Robertson. Sonny is labeled as faulty machinery.

Sequence 5: Ovaline Cafe with Spooner and  Lt. John Bergin. Spooner realized that he is the perfect man for the job to capture the robot.

Sequence 6: Spooner goes to Dr. Lanning’s house, and he watches Dr. Lannings talk on the Ghost inside the machine. VIKI software is present in Dr. Landings home. During the re-scheduled demolition, Spooner gets trapped in Dr. Landings house. Spooner leaves with a cat and a picture of Landing and Calvin.

Sequence 7:  Spooner’s Argument with Dr. Calvin. Spooner goes to Calvin to learn about the Ghost within the Machine. Dr. Calvin states that Landing suggested that robot might naturally evolve. Dr. Calvin suggests that Spooner has a personal vendetta against robots.

Sequence 8: Spooner’s flashback/dream of him being underwater. NS-5 robots are released into the streets. The older robots are taken away. Spooner’s grandma says Dr. Lanning bought his son back to life. Introduction to the Breadcrumbs.

Sequence 9: Robertson’s attack on Spooner.  Spooner is cornered by two NS-5 delivery trucks, the NS-5s attack Spooner as if they are trying to save his life. The NS-5s attack Spooner until all the evidence is cleared up. Spooner gets his badge taken away.

Sequence 10: The Discovery of Spooner’s Connection to Robots. Calvin discovers that Sonny has the ability to disobey the three laws.

Sequence 11: A Man on a Hill. Sonny draws the dream that Landing left for Spooner. We discover that Spooner is the man on the hill meant to free the slaves.

Sequence 12: Is One Robot worth the Loss of all that We Gained? Calvin agrees that she has to destroy Sonny. While Spooner goes to the robot “graveyard”, Calvin prepares to terminate Sonny. Spooner receives Lanning’s message that “The Three Laws only lead to one thing revolution.”

Sequence 13: Robot Revolution and VIKI’s justification. The NS-5 robots start to attack the NS-4s and humans. Spooner and Calvin discover that Robertson is dead. Viki is controlling the robots. Sonny shows allegiance to Spooner and Calvin. The remaining NS-5 attack Calvin, Spooner, and Sonny whilst they try to kill Viki.

Sequence 14: To  Save the World or To Save Dr. Calvin. Sonny saves Dr. Calvin’s life, while Spooner uses his robotic arm to scale down the shaft and kill VIKI. Sonny killed Dr. Landing. Spooner’s prejudice ended up saving the world. Sonny leads the remaining NS-5s.

Part 2:

Det. Spooner and Dr. Calvin close up shot from Sequence 7
Frame 45:48

This frame is a close-up head and shoulders two shot image of Dr. Calvin and Det. Del Spooner in Dr. Calvin’s apartment. Dr. Calvin is wearing a white top with her hair loosely tied back in a ponytail away from her face. She is not wearing any jewelry or makeup. Det. Del Spooner is wearing a black leather jacket, a stud earring, and a simple Caesar line-up haircut. The frame abides by the rule of thirds. The two subjects are splitting center, however, the camera is focused more on Det. Spooner. Initially, Spooner’s face pulls the attention away from Dr. Calvin. This compels the viewer to follow Det. Spooner’s eyes so that we can see Dr. Calvin’s reaction. We are only able to see Dr. Calvin’s profile in this frame. In this image, the two subjects take up the entire frame with little space along the outside of the frame. Both subjects are standing perpendicular to each other. Dr. Calvin’s body is positioned facing outward, and Det. Spooner is facing inward towards the door. Their physical bodies are facing away from each other. However, their heads are angled towards each other. The tension in their positioning aid in understanding the intensity of the scene.

The lighting of this frame is somber and dark. Based on their surroundings, Det. Spooner and Dr. Calvin are conversing at night in a space without much light. The only lighting within the frame comes from an overhead white light in a shelf behind Det. Spooner, and a yellowish-gold ceiling light behind Dr. Calvin. The lighting provides a stark contrast of light and dark between Det. Spooner and Dr. Calvin. Giving a yin and yang effect on the relationship between Det. Spooner and Dr. Calvin. Thus, this frame is foreshadowing balance and harmony in their relationship.

Traditionally, a head and shoulders shot is used to show a listening or reaction shot. In our frame, we able to see Dr. Calvin’s non-verbal reaction to Det. Spooner. Det. Spooner told Dr. Calvin that “One looks at the skin and we figure we know just what’s underneath”(45:45-45:49). Dr. Calvin’s facial expressions include a clenched jaw with lowered eyebrows and the corners of her mouth are lowered. Her facial expression tells the viewer that she was angered by Det. Spooner’s response. Her clenched jaw highlights that Dr. Calvin was withholding a response to Det. Spooner’s statement. Det. Spooner is looking directly at Dr. Calvin anticipating a response. He is aware of her relationship to the robots, and he is trying to challenge the trust that she has in a creation.

I chose this scene because this was the first time that Dr. Calvin entertained a critical analysis of the emotional capacity of the robots. In this scene, she is refuting Det. Spooner’s claim that there is something wrong with the robots. However, once Det. Spooner invited Dr. Calvin to look beyond the skin, I believe that her perspective started to change. Her understanding of Det. Spooner starts to change as well as her relationship to the robots. In this frame, Dr. Calvin is forced to consider that her creation has the potential to work against her.