
The Co-chairs lead the ISA and facilitate board meetings to best serve the international community. Responsibilities include interfacing with various offices on campus, setting the agenda for and leading the ISA board, ensuring all members of the community have their voices heard, and working to support all other board members.

The Secretary keeps minutes during board meetings and assists the Co-chairs with logistical tasks. Responsibilities include sending emails, coordinating with other board members and/or members of the administration, and documenting the board’s decisions.

The Historian keeps and maintains historical records for the Association. Responsibilities include documenting events (photos, videos, etc.), running the ISA website, and potentially working with special collections.

Social Chair
The Social Chair is responsible for taking the lead when organizing ISA activities. Responsibilities include communicating with members of the community about events and helping spread awareness about ISA’s work through social media channels. 

The Treasurer manages the budget for the ISA. Responsibilities include working with the Davis Center on funding, advising the board on budgetary issues, submitting potential fund requests, and attending MinCo treasurer meetings.

MinCo Representative
The Minority Coalition representative serves as a liaison between the MinCo organization and the ISA. Responsibilities include attending MinCo meetings (excluding MinCo treasurer meetings) and sharing relevant information from MinCo with the board.

First-Year Representative
The First-Year Representative connects the broader first-year international class to the rest of the international community. Responsibilities include organizing events specifically for first-year students and reaching out to the class of 2023 to best represent their ideas and/or concerns.

Junior/Senior Representative
The Junior/Senior Student Representative is a new position we added this year. This person is focused on broader questions concerning the international experience. Responsibilities include working with various administrative and student organizations on topics such as student wellbeing, career opportunities, and logistical issues.