We are a theoretical quantum physics group at Williams College. Led by Prof. Swati Singh and Prof. Fred Strauch, we work on a variety of problems in quantum optics, quantum computing and quantum information. You can find out more about us and our research on this website.
You are also welcome to visit us at our physical site in Bronfman B29.
Recent News:
January 2018: Ellery Galvin receives an award at CUWiP for presenting the best overall poster. Congrats Ellery!
January 2018: Josh Reynolds `21 and Qiyuan Hu join the Gedanken Lab over Winter Study. They will continue to work on levitated optomechanics theory over the Spring semester.
September 2017: A perspective for our article appears on NJP.
July 2017: Our paper about gravitational wave detection using helium appears in NJP, along with an article about it in Physicsworld.
June 2017: Derek Galvin `18 and Sam Alterman `18 join the lab as Thesis students. Skylar Chaney ’19, Mariam Ughrelidze ’20 and Qiyuan Hu `20 join the group for summer research.