Current students
Jonathan Geller ’24 (Thesis student)
Katya Ulyanov ’24 (Thesis student)
Ahmed Moussa ’27 (RA)
Winter Study 2022
(left to right: Da-Yeon Koh ’24, Jonathan Geller ’24, Katie Brockmeyer ’24, Isabel Bushway ’23, Benny Weng ’22)
Former thesis students
Benny Weng ’22 Applied Physics PhD program at Stanford University (Fall 2022–)
Senior thesis: Construction and Characterization of an Yb:fiber Chirped Pulse Amplifier toward Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Experiments
Ilana Albert ’21 Physics PhD program at Northeastern University (Fall 2021– )
Senior thesis: Exploration of graphene: A study into its properties and creation
Declan Daly ’21 Physics PhD program at the University of Maryland (Fall 2021–)
Senior thesis: Frequency resolved optical gating: measuring the world’s smallest ruler
Joshua Reynolds ’21 Applied Physics PhD program at Stanford University (Fall 2021–)
Senior thesis: Mode-locked fiber lasers for ultrafast electron diffraction experiments
Heather Kurtz ’20 Associate Scientist at Sinovia Technologies (2020-2022), Materials Science PhD program at Northwestern University (Fall 2022–)
Senior thesis: Ultrafast, ultrasmall, ultrathin: nanoemitter sources and graphite samples for ultrafast electron diffraction
Iona Binnie ’19 Physics PhD program at University of Colorado, Boulder (Fall 2019– ), NSF GRF
Senior thesis: Progress towards ultrafast electron diffraction with nanoemitter sources
Emily Stump ’18 Physics PhD program at Cornell University (Fall 2019– ), NSF GRF
Senior thesis: Development of laser systems towards ultrafast electron diffraction
Former student projects…
Summer 2021 Nelly Lin-Schweitzer ’21 simulated electrostatic deflectors
Summer 2018 Patrick Postec ’21 and Abdullah Nasir ’20 designed an ultrahigh vacuum system for electron source characterization.
Summer 2017 Ian Shen ’19 worked on spectrometer control with LabVIEW.
Spring 2017 Kirby Gordon ’20 and Sam Wischnewsky ’20 set up a titanium sapphire oscillator. Sam also designed and machined parts for the etching station under the supervision of Michael Taylor in the Bronfman Science Center workshop.
Summer 2016 Ellery Galvin ’18 and Iona Binnie ’19 built an etching station for producing tungsten field emitters.