Nachman Kaul-Seidman <[email protected]>
Elena Deegan-Krause is a junior majoring in physics and economics. She is currently trying to learn more about bio-risk and global development. Outside EA, she likes climbing and etymology fun-facts. Contact her by email or on Discord!
Miles Kodama is a junior majoring in physics. He’s studying this year at Oxford, so you won’t see much of him, but you should still feel free to reach out by email or on Discord.
Wyatt Smith is a sophomore who will probably major in math and philosophy. Within EA, he is especially interested in AI risk, and outside EA, he loves novels and movies. Reach him via email or Discord!
EA Board Reading Recommendations
Wyatt Smith
- Carlsmith, “Otherness and Control in the Age of AGI”
- Yudkowsky, The Sequences (Disclaimer: overconfident and to be taken with a grain of salt. However, the proximate starting point of a super interesting discourse around rationality and AI safety, so well worth reading.)
- Williams, Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy
Miles Kodama
- Vinding, Suffering-Focused Ethics: Defense and Implications
- Bostrom, Deep Utopia
- Coetzee, The Lives of Animals
Elena Deegan-Krause
- Mayerfeld, Suffering and Moral Responsibility
- MacAskill, Doing Good Better
- Parfit, Reasons and Persons