2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Partial)

Maps of Locations of Buenos Aires

Photos Taken From the Hilton hotel 8th floor in Buenos Aires

Camera Used: Nikon D7100 with Nikkor 80-400 mm zoom lens lens and Questar filter

Eclipse started at 6:36 pm local time; peak of 16% diameter covered at 7:12 pm local time
Camera Used: Nikon D600 with Nikkor 500 mm f/8 lens and Questar filter
Eclipse started at 6:36 pm local time; peak of 16% diameter covered at 7:12 pm local time

Eclipse Site at the Hilton Buenos Aires


More Photos on sightings from Porto Madero region near the Hilton Buenos Aires

Photos from Juan Pablo Vittori and Victor Ingrassia

Coverage from Tierra del Fuego (in Spanish)

La cobertura del Canal local está en YouTube 


Other Television Coverages