The temperature today was really strange. I put on pants this morning because it was a little chilly (60ish), then after class I was roasting (well past 70) and put on shorts, then two hours later I put sweats back on. I never change clothes so often at home. Anyway, I went with Yu laoshi for a delicious lunch a few minutes away from campus. After a few hours of studying with my learning buddy, we finally settled our final project topics (after switching three separate times). I think some of the questions about local identity have stood with me for a while now, and I’d like to ask how people here construct their national identity. I’m interested in how much emphasis there is on civic participation, or an ethnic conception of Hong Kong-ness. I also want to speculate on how these conceptions will impact the political arena in the near and not-so-near future. To get back to what I did today~ I took the subway about 10 stops to Hong Kun, to get some authentic Xian-style food. The highlight was the delicious 酸梅汤, which I ordered two glasses of. Today felt both productive and relaxing, and I’m really excited to meet up with some friends tomorrow afternoon near Zhongda.
Journals by:
- Adriana Roman (21)
- Haley Bosse' (20)
- Jake Rinaldi (21)
- Keileh Atulomah (21)
- Konnor Herbst (14)
- Li Yu (18)
- Robert Smith (21)
- Tongyu Zhou (17)
- Zihan Ye (21)