I’m starting this post at the end of our long flight to Narita. We’re expecting turbulence on the way down but I’m glad we’re almost in Japan. I was so excited before we left Williamstown that I didn’t sleep, so I’m looking forward to getting to the hostel so that I can rest.
I finished the last of the course readings at the start of the flight. Otherwise, I’ve spent the past twelve hours watching movies, drawing, and resting my eyes when I’ve needed to. Today has been long, but I’ve enjoyed myself. I like flying. And the food was surprisingly tasty – my compliments to United Airlines. I would also like to take a moment to acknowledge that CJ is very good at battleship. The game was available on the seat monitors, and we played a few rounds.
Given that I’ll have gone at least 40 hours without sleep by the time we get to the hostel, I’m going to want to crash as soon as we get checked in.
One more flight to go though. We have to get to Osaka and then make it to Kyoto. Almost there. And it’s been bright the whole flight because we’ve been following the sun.
Now that we’ve landed and are resting in the Narita airport, I feel much more relaxed. My stomach is much more settled than it was on the plane. I’m hoping the flight to Osaka does not disturb my stomach as much, but I think it should be fine.
Updates to come.
I’m currently settling into the hostel. Everyone else in my room has gone out for sushi. I’m so exhausted from the flights that I just want to sleep. I’m already in my pajamas and trying to warm up since the room is a bit chilly. At least the toilet seats are heated. I never imagined how pleasurable of a sensation that would be.
Today was long, and given my lack of sleep, was basically two days for the price of one – that price being that all of a sudden tomorrow is Friday and Breelyn and I will be interviewing Yukei Isobe. It’s a whirlwind, but that’s why I wanted to take the time tonight to relax and settle down.
On the drive from Osaka through Kyoto we passed by many temples and monuments. I can’t believe how packed the city is. Every block has so many little shops and attractions, and there are so many historical sites. I can definitely see myself getting lost here, but the thought of that isn’t frightening.
I feel at ease. Maybe that’s a result of my exhaustion, but I feel good. I’m hoping I sleep well. I have a thin bathrobe that I can wrap myself in too. I hope it’ll be enough.
Tomorrow is the true beginning.