What is the Function of Modern Education?

Gatto makes it clear that there are problems with the current K-12 school system in the United States. He claims that they foster conformity and obedience, and he suggests that modern schools do not benefit today’s society. I agree that schools tend to breed a certain type of student, but I think it is rash to claim that society’s problems lie in schooling. Instead, I think the problem lies with Americans’ concept of success. We associate wealth with success, and our educational system ges on future jobs, not future growth and happiness. Consequently, the children that cannot succeed in our meritocratic school system are labeled as lazy and deserving of their failure. The nature of a meritocracy in modern American schooling hurts both its students and society as a whole.

Students should be rewarded for working hard. However, our school system is based on the false premise that all students are given the same opportunities. Some schools have lower funding than others, leading to drastically different experiences. But when done well, schooling can change lives for the better. Schools can introduce students to different viewpoints, new subjects, and job opportunities. These are vital to success in the modern, dynamic world. I think that Williams is a great model a of a school that encourages independent thinking and personal development, but it would be difficult for a public K-12 school to copy a college with a $2.5 billion endowment.

6 thoughts on “What is the Function of Modern Education?

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  3. I agree with your suggestion that the way our current society and school system is set up, viewing our system as a true meritocracy is unrealistic. While a meritocracy may seem nice in principle since it theoretically rewards those who are the hardest working, it is not possible to assess people solely based on this trait, since we all have different opportunities available to us simply due to the circumstances of our birth and the households we grow up in.

    It seems you are unhappy with Gatto’s claims but also unhappy with out current system. I am curious if you think that, although flawed, our current school system is our best option for now, since this is an idea I struggled with in my own response.

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