Vote for Me

In the film “Vote for Me”, the selection of a class representative is not democratic. The three candidates are preselected by the teacher, so the students are choosing from a predetermined group, rendering the process undemocratic already. he students were lulled into a false sense of belief that they were choosing a candidate that best suits their interests, but in reality they are voting for someone who will keep them in line and who will report their behavior back to the teacher. I thought it was interesting how family dynamics played a role in how each kid planned their campaign. One of the boys wanted to win because he wanted to be able to control and dictate his other classmates, and had the over-involved support of his parents. He sabotages the campaign of Xu Xiaofei by convincing his friends and classmates to harass her before she gave her presentation. From a young age, these kids are taught by their corrupt society to sabotage and attack their opponents while at the same time working to influence his supporters. I wonder how much of the desire to win is to prove to their families and to their government that they are useful and that they are good communists. Also, how much does environment play a role in the ways that the student conducted their campaigns? Cheng Cheng had very intense parents, who wanted him to win which fed his desire to win. When he gave his speech, he played to the emotions of his classmates by having his friends come up and hug him while he sang. He then asks for his support and engages with the class by calling them “brother” or “sister”, shaking their hand and giving them “good karma” in exchange for a vote. This was a very “dictator like” move, and he felt pride when he told his classmates to be quiet and they were. T On the other hand, Lou Lei did not want the support of his parents and decided that he wants to allow his classmates to pick the person they thought would be the best leader, and wanted to give them a choice. However, when he “wins” he exerts power and force over his classmates to make them summit and be fearful of him. This was a very Machiavelli thing to do as he made his subjects fear him, but not hate him. This fake democracy is exhibited through false elections and Machiavelli type force by 8 year olds.





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