The Grocer, the Chief, and the Interviewer

One of the things that stood out to me the most in Daniel Lerner’s article was the reaction the Chief had when discussing the modernization (although he doesn’t use this word). During Tosun’s interviews, the Chief clearly symbolized the traditional values whereas the Grocer represented modernizing values that would manifest themselves in the village after Tosun’s interviews and before Lerner visited. However, when Lerner questions the Chief about the economic and social transformation in the village, his “voice did not change, nor did his eyes cloud over” (Lerner 55) as he described how his sons had become shopkeepers although it is implicit that he regrets this. I think this pushes against with what Ringer describes: “Modernity is necessarily experienced as antagonistic to tradition. The process of modernization thus creates a situation of ‘crisis'” (Ringer 5). The Chief clearly holds traditional values in higher esteem than the ones that have manifested in Balgat. However, he does not think that “the new ways” were “bringing evil with them” (Ringer 5). Modernity thus does not seem to be causing a crisis of values although it is still portrayed in opposite terms with traditional values.

1 thought on “The Grocer, the Chief, and the Interviewer

  1. This is an interesting point about modernization because I think often those who face a modernizing world fear that their values will be sacrificed. This can particularly be seen in what happened after the industrial revolution. As work moved outside the home and became more mechanized many feared that people’s morality was disappearing. However, in the case presented in this article, you seem to be right; people in Balgat have simply accepted that the best way for them to thrive in the modern day world is to adapt and become shopkeepers. This is not always what has happened in the course of history. It is interesting that modernization went over so peacefully in Balgat, especially since it transformed many lives. It is also surprising the the Chief did almost nothing to try to keep the society from changing.

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