Precise Techniques

Nicholas Eberstadt looks to avoid the usual biases and pitfalls facing most interpretations of the “Dying Russian” situation. He’s willing to look beyond the general theories that dominate the argument, expand the historical scope of his study and avoid the temptation of coming up with an answer to the problem. He compares what seem to be statistical abnormalities in Russian mortality, such as heart disease, to other countries. He shows the normal culprits, high calorie consumption and drinking, are not what’s causing Russian heart disease, as similar conditions exist in other western countries and they have lower deaths related to heart disease. He looks at Russian population growth over the course of the 20th century, and shows high mortality isn’t just a 1990s problem. Previous studies have made conclusions on their limited scope and misinterpretation. His dedication allows him to shatter myth after myth surrounding the Russian mortality problem. His comprehensive study is able to deliver a very precise analysis, but no answers. Which brings into question, if precise methods prove we have no answers and imprecise methods give us answers, can we really hope to understand our world?

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