Abolish Destructive Government: Vote Thomas Jefferson

Tyler Cole

Explanation of Pro-Thomas Jefferson Ad

The ad opens with the a quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence that reads, “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”. Jefferson was well known as the author of The Declaration and as a man who found himself much more an author than an orator it seemed fitting to use his own written words. Continue reading

Thomas Jefferson – Enemy of the Constitution

Against Jefferson Explanation

            Thomas Jefferson, while campaigning a second time to become the President of the United States, faced three main criticisms from the opposition.  First, his religious practices were questioned.  Not a practicing Christian, but instead a professed Deist, many Americans worried that trouble could come from putting a “non-believer” in charge of the nation.  Continue reading

John Adams – “A Firm and Enlightened Patriot”


For Adams Video Explanation

 Overall intent and reasoning:

Adams became fairly unpopular by the end of his Presidency due in large part to the passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts. Yet he was still viewed as being less partisan than a Republican Jefferson; to vote for a Republican would have been considered admitting to factions. Moreover to many, especially Federalists, he did a good job handling the “Quasi War” with the French. Continue reading